The inscriptions say King Lord of the two lands (Djeser-Khepru-Re Setep-en-Re Heka-Maat). One part of his sculpture was discovered in the 1930s by the Priental Ibstitute of Chicago; the rest was discovered in 2002 by an expedition from John Hopkins University. XI Dynasty, Middle Kingdom, First Intermediate Period. The back of the pillar is inscribed with a column of hieroglyphs flanked by two palm-leaves.
A prince, Pareherwenemef, who was commander of the army and the king's fan-bearer, is depicted on one side of the statue, behind the left leg of his father. In the early years of his reign he led a number of campaigns into the lands beyond Egypt's frontiers. Discovered in 2004 during excavations by the Spanish mission to Dra abu-Naga, this master's board bears the plans for several pieces of royal art. During the reign of Ramesses VI, Egypt has completely lost its foreign possessions, except for Nubia.
Sundial perhaps used to measure the duration of work shifts for workmen. In the late 1980s, a collection of 26 New Kingdom statues were found buried at Luxor Temple. In the same year, Jamieson sold his Egyptian collection, including an unidentified mummy, to the Michael C. Carlos Museum (MCCM) in Atlanta, Georgia (USA). XXV Dynasty, 751-656 BC. Horemheb is holding two spherical vessels and is wearing the Nemes headdress, uraeus, royal beard, shendyt-kilt and sandals. Rather than an archeological jumble like its counterpart in Cairo, the Luxor Museum spotlights only its most precious items.Items on display include a partial reconstruction of a rare Akhenatan temple, a life-sized statue of Amenhotep III with the crocodile god Sobek, and the mummies of pharaohs Ramses I and Ahmose I. Many of the treasures date from the Roman and Byzantine period, when Christianity was Egypt's primary religion. XVIII Dynasty, 1370 BC, King's Valley tomb, KV 64. Among the city's other historic house museums are the spectacular Abdeen Palace, the home of Egyptian poet laureate Ahmed Shawki, and the recently reopened Aisha Fahmy Palace on Zamalek Island. (He did not, however, defeat them utterly; this was left for his probable brother, Ahmose, to do t wenty years later).Limestone block from a temple wall at Deir El Bahari (western Thebes).
It bears the king's titulary, along with images of the king smiting an Asiatic ebemy and prayers for many years of rule.Plans of various structures, made on the fragments of white limestone. The colossal complex crowns the Giza Plateau on the outskirts of Cairo and will be connected to the pyramids by a two-kilometer landscapes causeway. XVIII Dynasty, New Kingdom, 1427-1400 BC.
Among its treasures are golden icons, mosaics and murals, and illuminated manuscripts.
New Kingdom. XIX Dynasty.This sculpture came to light during the clearing of a Theban tomb belonging to Amenmose, who was the Royal Scribe of the Altar of the Two Lands. Along the Mediterranean shore, the Bibliotheca Alexandrina houses six specialized libraries and four separate museums inside a futuristic building whose design was inspired by the significance of the rising sun during ancient Egyptian times.
Horemheb - an Ancient Egyptian military leader, who later became the last King of the XVIII Dynasty. Grey granite.Middle Kingdom, 11th Dynasty, 2010 - 1998 B.C. This tomb is famous for its astronomical ceiling, depicted by Senenmut, which indicates the multifaceted interests and high education of the great Egyptian Architect.The artifacts were found, during excavations in Kurna and Lahun. Wood coated with stucco. XVIII Dynasty, New Kingdom, 1430-1350 BC. Egypt has always had far more treasures than a single museum could display. Yamunedjeh was a royal herald and architect under Thutmose III, and was greatly honored by that king. The collection of the museum and high quality of its presentation allows visitor to "travel back in time" for a few thousand years ago - mostly into the the New Kingdom, the time of prosperity of Thebes as well as the whole Egypt. The relief was destroyed during the Amarna period and restored by a later king.Fragment of the ainted block of Thutmose III, New Kingdom 1498-1456. The statue was later usurped by Ramesses II. It was found in 1859 and since then it has been kept in the Luxor Museum.
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