Visit the 25Live web page for more information on using the system. Media equipment and services are available only within the Law School or the Law Library. Members of the Law School Community who wish to schedule an event or meeting should use the Event Wizard. Villanova Law Library Study Room Reservations. No Food is allowed in the rooms! Reserve one of the Law Library's eleven study rooms online. Below is a list of the auditorium, seminar room, lounge and flexible space available for rent. When placing your request, have alternate date or time possibilities in the event that a room is not available at the date/time of your choosing. Learning from Conflicts over Marriage and Civil Rights Law Fordham students, faculty, and staff should use 25Live, the University's room reservation system, to request Law School event or academic space. Reserve a Study Room . Visit the Event space at Fordham University School of Law may be reserved by faculty, staff, and students for Fordham-related activities.When requesting event space, please note the following guidelines and procedures:Academic space for Fordham University School of Law may be reserved by faculty, staff, and students for Fordham-related activities.When requesting academic space, please note the following guidelines and procedures: After reserving a room you will receive an email confirmation. Jerome Greene Hall (JGH) 435 W. 116th Street. Law Library Room Reservations are restricted to Law Students ONLY The Law Library and Law School reserve the right to cancel reservations and/or eject patrons. Place your request no fewer than 7 days prior to the date you hope to receive an assignment. Law School All Categories; ... Villanova University Law School; Villanova Law School Reservations Villanova Law Library Study Room Reservations. Note: If you are law faculty, staff or a student, please use the Event and Room Reservation Calendar. Faculty from Clinical & Experiential Programs prepare to deliver on the promise of the LfA model.Who's the Bigot? To make a reservation, login to LawNET and select the 25Live button from the top navigation. Individuals reserving an Interview Room are encouraged to test their phone service in advance. Reservations may be made up to one week in advance. However, it will remain the case that all rooms are available for reservation by School of Law departments first, and we reserve the right to change a reservation due to the needs of the School of Law.Cancellations should be directed to the Reservations Manager via email at As many students, faculty, and staff prepare to return to the law complex for the fall semester, we must work together to protect the health and wellbeing of our entire community.Professor Condon will teach environmental law and a seminar on climate risk and financial institutions. Expand all Collapse all. We reserve the right to change a reservation due to the needs of the School of Law.Food is only allowed in Barristers Hall, 214A, Classroom 410, 203, and 204.Reservations are on a “first-come, first-served” basis. On this page, you may reserve a room, request Audio-Visual assistance and post an announcement about your event on the Law School Event Calendar. The Law Auditorium is now booked by the University Registrars Office. Law School Services. Please contact Margaret Kolberg at 206-616-2353 or mkolberg … They may NOT be checked out for use outside the building. Any group interested in reserving space in the School of Law needs to work with the Reservations Manager (email: Every group hosting an event in the Law School is required to have a B&G FSR (Facilities Service Request) in order to provide any required set-up or clean-up.All rooms are available for reservation by School of Law departments first.

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