We use about 88% of our subconscious mind compared to the 12% of our conscious mind. Her clear-guided imagery transports you to your inner voice every time. She believes all can be achieved with the power of belief.While preparing to go on to graduate school I was introduced to hypnotherapy. Join Facebook to connect with Kristen Luman and others you may know. She then went on to study at the Hypnosis Motivation Institute College of Hypnotherapy where she became a Certified Hypnotherapist and a member of the American Hypnosis Association. In her classes she uses Imagery Meditation to stimulate relaxation, self discovery, and healing using the connection between the visual brain and the involuntary nervous system. So, it made more sense to me that since hypnotherapy works directly with the subconscious mind this is how I should be helping people.”Although graduated, Kristen is a constant student always wanting to learn more and continues to work in and with HMI. She then went on to study at the Hypnosis Motivation Institute College of Hypnotherapy where she became a Certified Hypnotherapist and a member of the American Hypnosis Association.Kristen’s fascination with psychosomatic conditions (field of psychology that focuses on how behavioral, psychological, and social factors influence bodily processes) led her to continue her education and receive certifications in Pain Management and Energy Healing. Kristen Luman earned her BA in Psychology from Portland State University where she focused her studies on Paranormal Psychology and Human Development. Not only are her classes always a delightful surprise but many of our clients come out claiming that they feel lighter, happier, healed and in tune with themselves. Our mind is a lot more powerful than we give it credit for.I decided after only one visit that this is what I should be doing if I truly wanted to make a positive difference in people’s lives. I thought “I should look into this, if I’m going to help people, I should learn all the possible tools.” I actually met with a hypnotherapist myself and was astounded by the simplicity and the effectiveness of the process. She then went on to study at the Hypnosis Motivation Institute where she became a certified hypnotherapist also becoming a member of the American Hypnosis Association. Kristen also leads classes in Guided Imagery Meditation at Unplug Meditation. Our mind is a lot more powerful than we give it credit for.I decided after only one visit that this is what I should be doing if I truly wanted to make a positive difference in people’s lives. She is an avid user of NLP and the Eriksonian school of thought. You can find her presenting the news and upcoming events for the college as well as hosting American Hypnosis Association seminars. We use about 88% of our subconscious mind compared to the 12% of our conscious mind. You can find her presenting the news and upcoming events for the college as well as hosting American Hypnosis Association seminars. So, it made more sense to me that since hypnotherapy works directly with the subconscious mind this is how I should be helping people.”Although graduated, Kristen is a constant student always wanting to learn more and continues to work in and with HMI. Kristen Luman is on Facebook. Wij willen hier een beschrijving geven, maar de site die u nu bekijkt staat dit niet toe. Unplug Meditation has been featured on media outlets such as Good Morning America, The Today Show, The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, The Huffington Post, Vogue, and The Medical Daily.Special thanks to the Hypnosis Motivation Institute staff especially video team for their amazing training and support. Kristen’s fascination with psychosomatic conditions (field of psychology that focuses on how behavioral, psychological, and social factors influence bodily processes) led her to continue her education and receive  certifications in Pain Management and Energy Healing. Also special thanks to one of the most amazing hypnotherapists I know who I’m proud to call a friend as well as a mentor Click Here To See When Kristen Is Teaching At Unplug Kristen Luman has one of the most sought after classes at Unplug Meditation. I thought “I should look into this, if I’m going to help people, I should learn all the possible tools.” I actually met with a hypnotherapist myself and was astounded by the simplicity and the effectiveness of the process.

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