Soul "Eater" Evans 2. Along the way, he encountered Xianghua again. An old man, the Edge Master—adviser and teacher of the Ling-Sheng Su martial arts—found Kilik's unconscious body in the temple.

Spirit Albarn 6. These were all events at the end of the 16th Century.

Some guys with glasses are SO CUTE!!!!!. Then Kilik disappeared—perhaps to embark on a quest to extinguish the evil. And he would likely remain on that quest, until the day when all the sins of the past are exorcised. The length of his Staff allows a multitude of long range attacks and accordingly Kilik is most effective at this distance. This page depicts all images of Kilik throughout the entire Soul series. Kilik is generally regarded by the Soulcalibur tournament community as being in the top to mid-tier brackets. He lamented it for the young woman who loved him dearly, Xianghua. Asura 8. Before the stroke of dawn, there was no longer any remaining trace of Kilik. Image Gallery Anime Anime • Manga Manga Soul Eater Kilik asks Death about witches Ox and Kilik use Thunder Combination Kilik's last appearance in the anime Add a photo to this gallery Soul Eater NOT! Jun 17, 2015 - This Pin was discovered by Reality Question. Now that everything was over, Kilik wondered if they did the right thing. We like Kilik!

As Xianghua admired the view, Kilik showed her the grave of the woman who saved his life.

1. The text-only epilogue reveals this: He disappeared alone. your own Pins on Pinterest ZayWays Black anime characters. See more ideas about Black anime characters, Soul eater, Black characters. Edge Master told Kilik that even though he still lacked skill, and that a pure spirit strikes only at evil without harming the body, he noted that Kilik had made good progress in a short time.

Two of his throws (Festival of the Damned and Festival of the Dead) are regarded as hardest to perform, but allows for great ring out potential. Kilik also appears in the floor "Unseen Sickle" The Dvapara-Yuga that protected him split apart and extinguished the evil flames. Kilik has a diverse array of low attacks, some slow and heavily damaging, some fast and hard to react to.

He knew that she had feelings for him, as he had feelings for her, but he could not return them because she looked almost exactly like Xianglian, the woman whom he looked up to as an older sister. The light of the moon filtered through a single window. Kilik chanted quietly but with resolve, "Om Vajradharma Kilik." Many of Kilik's more powerful attack strings are vertical hits that can be sidestepped if anticipated. They argued over their difference of opinions (namely, they both argued that it was their duty to destroy Soul Edge this time), but they still traveled together in the end. Surrendering to his destiny, he had decided to interfere in the battle of the source of evil, Soul Edge, and the spirit sword, Soul Calibur, to find a way to stop them.

Xianglian stops Kilik's rampage in the Ling-Sheng Su TempleAfter Nightmare's defeat, Xianghua and Kilik were challenged by the demonic entity, Afterward, Kilik returned alone to Edge Master's hermitage, continuing to perfect the technique of neutralizing and purifying evil energy. However if an opponent does manage to get very close to Kilik he does have tools to employ; the most effective of these are his fast horizontal strikes.

Black*star 3 Death The Kid 4. Four years later, he sensed the return of Soul Edge, and set out on another journey to defeat Soul Edge once and for all, so that he could atone for the sins he committed the night of the fateful Evil Seed. While purifying a town infected with evil, the two encountered Edge Master then ordered Kilik to begin training. He handed Kilik another fragment of the Dvapara-Yuga and a letter from Xianghua. Kirikou Rung is a character from SOUL EATER. As the two of them got nearer to the cursed city of Ostrheinsburg, Kilik planned on leaving Xianghua when the time was right. TOLS Ascend Mode Floor: Avaricious Life (Floor 44) & Unseen Sickle (Floor 47) I APOLOGISE FOR ANY GRAMMATICAL AND SPELLING ERRORS BECAUSE I AM TOO LAZY TO EDIT THIS! Kilik is a martial artist with a Staff as his weapon. A smile gracing his lips, Kilik caressed the cheek of the sleeping Xianghua one more time and layed down his cherished pendant beside her; the stone that was a keepsake of his elder sister. He surrounded himself in a dark aura, similar to a person affected by the Evil Seed. Kilik channeled the evil energy into the Kali-Yuga, for it absorbs all spiritual energy, good and bad. "Of course it was the right thing!" Armed with only the Kali-Yuga, Kilik realized that his target should be the evil energy within Edge Master. Kilik appears in tower of lost souls ascend mode as the boss of the floor "Avaricious Life" as tricky but frustrating boss due to his HP Burst S CPU Skills and the full blue HP.

Crona Gorgon 7. Pantera Negra Negros Arte Anime Arte Digital Personajes De Anime Criatura Bocetos Historia Dibujos. Operation Kilik Week. Over the course of many intense battles, Kilik mastered the skill to tame the evil within him.

During all that time he spent trying to close the astral gates, Kilik touched the memories of the souls that wander At the Coliseum, Kilik and Maxi are fighting in a tournament. When they encounter the player and Despite losing its physical form, the demonic blade still burned fiercely and prepared to scatter itself throughout the world again.

He convinced himself that he must bring balance between the two swords. Out of the following guys, who will be your love interest? Zerochan has 31 Kirikou Rung anime images, wallpapers, and many more in its gallery. He set the corrupted temple on fire and carried Kilik home. Kilik trains with Edge Master.

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