Megs 105/205 definitely benefit from this method from my experience. ... but I was reading up on Kevin brown and his method. I've learned that some compounds, at least from my experience, benefit from a pad primed the kevin brown way and some dont.
The most known one is probably the Kestrel DAS6 A tack cloth (also: tack rag, tac cloth) is a special cloth/towel that is covered by a sticky substance.
Polishes and compounds appear to work better when the foam pad is ‘primed’ some things to note about pad priming: the cutting ability is increased, ... KBM- Pad Priming and Supplemental Wetting Agents by Kevin Brown - ... wetting+agents. Last update on March 2, 2019 density (or rebound), compression (‘hardness or stiffness) and without altering its in-built air-flow, which will decrease its heat dissipating abilities, causing it to transfer more kinetic friction heat to the surfaceTo apply to the paint surface; lightly raise the back of the machine so you are working with the top 1/3 of the pad. Once the pad has been seasoned (pad face is 75% saturated with product) you can reduce the amount of polish / compound applied to the pad for subsequent passes; dependent upon what you're trying to accomplish. Use a very slightly distilled water dampened pad, not too wet (otherwise the polish will clump); then spread the polish / compound over the pad evenlyDon’t use a quick detailer or a pad conditioner as they are usually formulated with silicones, oils, waxes, polymers, gloss enhancers, which will negatively affect the polish lubrication (exception Meguiar’s Final Inspection Spray, diluted 1:1 distilled water) spraying water while polishing can cause the foam pads abrasives to aquaplane, as water for all intents and purposes is incompressible, so that the pad and the abrasive don’t have actual surface contact, thereby negatively impacting the polishing process. When used together, the dynamic duo of pad priming and wetting agents can deliver stunning results. A wetting agent is used to keep cutting power at the highest level.
He primes the entire foam pad with polish and then adds a few dots to work into the panel. Clean your pad. It is a very fine polish that has a low grade of cut but a high level of perfect finish. Megs 105/205 definitely benefit from this method from my experience. KBM - Kevin Brown Method Pad Priming and Supplemental Wetting Agents A Common Sense Approach to Efficient Paint Polishing Proper priming of the buffing pad and strategic water spritzing can dramatically improve the cutting power and leveling capabilities of your machine.
It should colour the pad to the point you reach saturation of the strings, but without accumulations in the pores of the pad. No data is used for anything other than sending the newsletter!Zaino is an American manufacturer of automotive detailing products. After polishing for a minute or two the pad will become more evenly saturated spraying water onto the surface to induce capillary action to draw more abrasives to the surface of the pad for more cut.
While menzerna for me works well with 5-6 pea sized drops, a spritz of distilled water and then 3 pea sized drops to reload after that. Just my two centsPRetty sure this is the video I saw that has KB on it explaining the method and what they use. Bird droppings have several aggressive chemicals in them that can severely damage paintwork. Purified water is the best wetting agent, because it doesn’t influence the polishing performance. After some more searching I found your post “KBM- Pad Priming and Supplemental Wetting Agents”. When writing this tutorial, had the random orbital in mind, but after reading through the content, I am confident that most of the information can easily apply to any polishing machine. Spread the polish / compound over the pad evenly and ensure it is absorbed into the foam, then spread that polish onto the pad by hand until it becomes 80% saturated.
You could also wet the foam and press in a folded towel, do not wring the foam as this could weaken the Velcro® backing. While menzerna for me works well with 5-6 pea sized drops, a spritz of distilled water and then 3 pea sized drops to reload after that. Need to check out Kevin Browns report on Pad Priming, and Supplemental Wetting Agents, also known as residue control. Hi Kevin I recently purchase a Meguiar’s DA 220 as I’m hoping to finally start restoring my Pink MR2. There are no members to list at the moment.
This is due to most of the pad being "dry".
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