‘It’s great for transcription, and translation, but still hopeless at actually writing stories,’ says a senior editor who has experimented with these technologies. At the same time, social and political disruptions have affected trust in journalism and led to attacks on independent news media in many countries. COVID-19 has rewritten the ad landscape, from the content and platforms consumers use, OPINION Before COVID-19, balancing purpose with profit was seen by many as an idealistic but unrealistic goal. Public broadcasters are experimenting with new on-demand audio for voice devices, developing short bulletins and trialling interactive formats. But reader payment is unlikely to work for all and will require deep commitment over time as well as new skills and processes.With more high-quality journalism disappearing behind registration barriers and paywalls, the democratic dangers may also become more apparent in the year ahead. Here’s what they had to say. Only a minority of publishers felt that robo-journalism (12%) or newsgathering (16%) would be important areas to explore this year.Some publishers make a clear distinction between editorial and non-editorial uses of artificial intelligence. We live in an unprecedented world with a pandemic surrounding us, not just as part of COVID-19, but also as part of the hate speech that keeps rising. To what extent do you agree with the following statements? Around 95% answered most questions, although response rates vary. But there has also been soul-searching after Brexit, Donald Trump, and the Gilets Jaunes protests about the lack of political diversity in journalism and the failure to understand concerns of those outside the big cities.Our publisher respondents say they have made big strides over gender diversity, with three-quarters (76%) believing their organisation is doing a good job. Others say that there is often a fine line between ‘calling out a statement and perceptions of partisanship’, which may undermine trust with readers, listeners, and viewers. It is with a very heavy heart that we today announce the postponement of the international conference “Journalism 2020: The (ir)relevance of journalism and the future of journalism studies”. Obviously, we all find ourselves in an unprecedent and, particularly, uncertain situation across the globe. Politicians are increasingly trying to bypass the media and convey messages directly via social media. Are these the SVOD Services you are looking for? In 2019, both Apple and Disney+ entered into the Subscription VOD (SVOD) services arena. TheBut it is not just big companies that are making reader revenue work. Digital-born brands in particular have used remote working to help increase diversity, but in countries like South Africa remote working is harder to pull off and the economics often don’t stack up:Our survey shows that publishers feel this is going to be easier in editorial areas (76% confidence) than in data science/technology (24%), or product (39%). For the first time, in 2019 “US consumers will spend more time using their mobile devices than watching TV,” eMarketer And as a further sign of how quickly this market has evolved, Mary Meeker’s annual By 2018, mobile accounted for both a third of our media time and of advertising spend. Publishers see podcasting as a chance to attract younger audiences, build habit, and bring in additional revenue.In the US podcasting revenue is projected to grow by around 30% a year to reach over $1bn by 2021,Subscription-based organisations are holding back for different reasons. But gaining and keeping attention without compromising on quality (and trust) remains the key challenge for the news industry.Against this background, artificial intelligence offers the possibility of more personal and relevant news services, as well as more efficient ways of packaging and distributing content. Around a third (35%) think that advertising • The power of tech platforms remains an issue of great concern for most publishers. Do you expect policymaker interventions to help or hurt journalism this year? Doch muss man wirklich alles mitmachen? Less than a quarter of respondents say they are confident about keeping data scientists and technologists (24%) compared with 76% for editorial staff. Whatever they do, it is hard to see platforms pleasing publishers or politicians in 2020.Our digital leaders survey shows publishers remain more positive about Google and Twitter than Apple, Facebook, Snapchat, and Amazon when it comes to initiatives to support journalism. Growing safety concerns due to increase in the fatalities at workplace is shifting the focus of the people to look into workers safety.

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