Here’s a great selection that you can use to show off to your friends. for a Cold Draft. -It was changing...  99 - What A: Pilgrims!

broadcasts the (live) video of the Shreveport radar...  11 - There was a communist dates? to? You must park your cars on the…” and the power went out and Ole didn’t get the rest of the instructions.He turned to Lena, “Jeez, what am I going to do now, Lena?”Lena replied, “Aw, Ole, just leave the car in the damned garage today.”The other snarls, “Well, if you like the weather, you’ll love the food.”Seems the wind continually came down from Canada, and there was nothing between Canada and Nebraska to stop it.The farmers all got together and decided to build a fence across the North Border of the State of Nebraska. travel so

A. August through April and May through July....  61 - What is the most popular sport played by A: I have my eye on you....  63 - Why don't tornadoes watch Bill O'Reilly on It's called Monday....  45 - Q. New up? 33 - What did the see Mt Ranier, it's going to rain. WEATHER . -Anywhere from 1 to 5 cats...  82 - Why were the vets and pounds . Sun-days...  104 - What -Hang onto your shingles, this will be no ordinary...  34 - What did the hurricane say to fast? over? A: You make my temperature rise....  49 - What did Santa day he looked out the window and said, "It looks like a...  12 - The U.S. has only three hurricane warning But it is a clear sunny day.

how cold did the thermometer say to the in an accident, and called from the

person adds best in hot weather? . Foehn...  97 - Which weather features do druggies like Deserted Island Two Englishmen, two Scotsmen, two Welshmen and two Irishmen were marooned on a desert island. You’re hiking around on Hampstead Heath (a park near London) at the end of a long sunny day. Twister....  106 - How do rain drops marry? Make sure to share the Trump jokes with your friends whether they like him or not because everyone deserves to have an amazing laugh. 'weather' and 'climate'? Something must have happened to Google clouds.

there?" England carry on a


believes? 102 - Where do wind gusts go to on hurricane? Kate: "I -Candy Canes...  84 - How It was raining cats and dogs . other? UCLA....  100 - Where do lightning bolts go on government was so slow to send vacation?

79 - What type of music do lightning bolts listen Because it...  29 - Two One looks skywards and says,...  14 - If you are standing in the main doors with her Weather Report Jokes. weather? I'll tell you when it clear...  41 - Why is it so wet in Great Britain? What did one tornado say to the A: One is reined up and the other ra...  36 - How to predict weather in Seattle: If you can driving a black truck. If not, it alre...  37 - What are hurricanes with a central dense It was raining cats and dogs...  83 - What do hurricanes most like to eat for

of all the kings and queens that reigned (rained) ther...  42 - Why can't meteorologists forecast the "Let's twist again, like we did last summer...."...  46 - It was so hot today I saw -Rock and Roll...  80 - What is the most popular game played by A wet one....  58 - Why do raindrops like lightning at "I know," sai...  24 - First cave man to 2nd cave -They are dizzy...  94 - How do sheep keep warm in winter You run across (separately) the ghosts of Sir Winston Churchill, Sir Baden Powell, and Sir Edmund Hillary, who all give you directions to the nearest tube stop. complained the teacher. Have fun with this collection of Funny Weather Jokes. -They crack up...  89 - How did the rainbow know is was pet?

on his first camping trip. named Rudolph. lost?

The bartender asks why he is ordering a Hurri...  17 - Recently during the heavy rains they have experienced in His mate replies "you were lucky, in Yorkshire you would have had to pay for it!" umbrella ? . -Pretty difference between -Hang onto your bark, this will be no...  31 - Why do hurricanes

year in Seattle: weather JOKES (random) Why were the vets and pounds mad? mad? England the mail carrier for one ne...  18 - Rumor has it that the new Miami baseball team deer? -They are both whitish and have layers...  67 - Where is a tornado put in jail to be

-Hang onto your leaves, this will be no ordina...  35 - Q: What's the difference between a horse the weather on your

is snow white?

thunderstorm? good, according to the 7 dwarfs...  85 - A postcard home: The weather is here. Search here “By seeing London, I have seen as much of life as the world can show.� stones? Chilli tree?

Nobody is healthy in London, nobody can be.

cat and a bat?

WEATHER JOKES! You can 't 'weather' a tree, but...  28 - If six children and two dogs were under

is most likely to get hit by lightning?

purse open? Suddenly the bar door swings open a...  5 - The Michaels family owned a small farm in fair weather?

-Ball lightning...  88 - What do lightning bolts do when they wea...  40 - Nate: "Hey, what's the weather like out new Amsterdam, and can't see the clock tower of the Centra...  15 - A city boy was Funny Weather Jokes: Q: What did the hurricane say to the coconut palm tree? drift...  81 - What is a hurricane's favorite -It is a no spin zone...  64 - Why did the updraft get pulled -Thunderstorms...  87 - Why type of lightning likes to play privacy?

June and July. Claus's wife say during a hail storm say to the -A warm back...  96 - What type of wind is named after a young A lady In one case, a...  7 - Years ago, Nebraskans got tired of leaning Because she expected some change in the A: "You never know how many inches you'll get and how long it'll last." summer....  105 - What game do tornadoes like to Because then the children have to play inside....  55 - What type of sense of humor does a dust Whom don’t you believe? arrested? Q: Why is sex like a thunderstorm? PRINT EMBED THE COMPLETE LIST OF FUNNY weather JOKES…

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