Jason Fried, co-founder and CEO of Basecamp and author of Rework, joins host Robert Glazer on the Elevate Podcast to discuss culture, remote work and more. Walton College distinguishes itself by providing outstanding student support.Learn about summer and semester study abroad options.Financial help for Walton students, and links to campus resourcesCommitted to increasing students’ awareness of diversity and increasing the extent to which they value its significance.A unique blend of academic, leadership and career development opportunitiesFind your passion. Jonas comes on Rework to talk about building software for humans, preserving a sense of fun weirdness as a new product evolves, and managing a big launch during a tumultuous time. [PODCAST] Stuck@Om with Jason Fried In today’s episode of Stuck@Om, I have a conversation with my friend Jason Fried, the co-founder and CEO of Basecamp. - Mass. Leaders must recognize this reality and adjust their expectations accordingly. Connect with students and industry.Learn together.

Basecamp co-founders Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson held a recent livestream session where they answered questions about HEY, the company’s new email service. Student-managed investment funds. General Brigham, the largest healthcare organization in Massachusetts. In today’s episode of Stuck@Om, I have a conversation with my friend Jason Fried, the co-founder and CEO of Basecamp.
Jason, thanks so much for being in the podcast, we really appreciate it.

My guest today is Jason Fried, the Co-Founder and President of Basecamp, a Chicago based company that builds web based productivity tools. Hopefully, when we emerge from this pandemic, we can be more appreciative of the teachers, nannies, and cleaning services that help us manage our everyday lives. And if you have no control of your day then you end up working longer than you should.”“We think about how much time we put into work, but it’s valuable to consider how much time we put into life.”For those who want to take a deep dive, here are all the books, blog posts, and ideas that Jason and I mention during our conversation:Every rating helps us build more credibility and attract new listeners — which helps us keep making the show.Get smart, actionable ideas on how to be more creative and resilient with Jocelyn's popular weekly newsletter: Understand and adapt to a changing economic environment. And those 2 hours are made up of eight 15-minute chunks. In Part One, they discuss feature requests, customer support, and plans for hiring. Hear from David and Jason, as well as other artists, writers, and founders about the emails that changed their lives. And Nabiha Syed, president of the new investigative journalism outlet The Markup, talks about their commitment to data minimization—including zero tracking, not even open rates, on their newsletters—and how that affects their relationship with readers. That correspondence was the beginning of a partnership that produced Basecamp, several books, and most recently HEY, the company’s new email service. Thirty-Nine Best Jason Fried Podcasts For 2020. Jason and I chat about the reality that there are no full-time employees right now. Doing more doesn’t always mean accomplishing more, and Jason and I chat about everything from the coronavirus and climate change to Grand Seiko watches and custom clothing. On June 15, Basecamp launches a new email service called Hey. This would But once a company starts saying yes to one good idea after another, it starts accumulating scars. It’s also one of the stupidest things Basecamp has ever attempted. Listen to hear an engaging conversation between friends.

Listen online, no signup necessary. If that means someone can only contribute 4 hours towards a workday, the company has articulated to their employees that they We talk about technology and the concepts of efficiency and effectiveness. A podcast about a better way to work and run your business. Experienced faculty. Jason Fried is the Co-Founder and CEO of Basecamp, a software company out of Chicago.

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