Dressel divers delivers an outstanding customer experience, from the online booking process, to the amazingly friendly, caring and knowledgeable dive instructors and boat crews.
Except on Tuesday and Thursday in Iberostar Paraiso where we do a more distant two-tank to Playa del Carmen without return to base in between the dives.
At DRESSEL DIVERS we have what you are looking for.
With this destinations being so popular, with divers doing multiple dives daily, we offer free nitrox to help keep them going.Guests who are not staying on the island of Cozumel can also enjoy a day of diving in these amazing reefs participating in our Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays from early June to mid-SeptemberAfter a long 6 voting months, more than 470 diving centers all over the world participating,A number of resorts are located along the beachfront, meaning that the Iberostar and Dressel Divers are just short walk away.Not staying at the Iberostar Hotel, but would like to dive or Take advantage of a transfer arrangement to join us for a single- or two-tank dive (exceptions may apply).Want to spend a full day at the resort? Dives can be planned when you get there with our dive center staff.We will always try to make sure you do not visit the same dive site more than once unless your specifically ask to do so.Most dive sites are approximately 10 minutes away by boat.All dives with Dressel are boat dives. Cozumel is ranked among the world´s top scuba diving destinations for a reason: each dive is simply among the best on the planet. Resort dive this exceptional underwater world with free nitrox. You can obtain more information, or know how to change the configuration, by clicking on After a long 6 voting months, more than 470 diving centers all over the world participating, and 20.000 votes, on November 15, 2019 Dressel Divers Cozumel was chosen as the 6th best dive center in the world, and the best dive center in Mexico.
Welcome to a world full of scuba diving destinations! If you send in your booking less than 2 days before your arrival (not counting the weekend when our reservations office is closed ), we cannot guarantee confirmation of your pre-booking with the according discount. It is the perfect place to get in a maximum number of dives with Dressel´s great package prices and …
Because our dive shop is located within Cozumel´s Marine Park shore dives are not permitted.Night dives are usually at Punta Dalila, Colombia or Punta Francesa.Flashlight and glow sticks are mandatory for Night DivesPool sessions for students are held in the morning, and followed by a double-tank dive in the afternoon (1:00 p.m. dive at Columbia Shallows and following dive at Palancar Gardens).DRESSEL DIVERS COZUMEL IS THE BEST DIVE CENTER IN MEXICOAll Web site contents, including promotions and pricing, are subject to change without notice.We use our own and third-party cookies to perform the analysis of user navigation and improve our services. Dressel Divers is above all driven by quality, safety and service, cutting no corners in terms of costs, necessary to guarantee this, and over 25 years with an accident free record. Don´t miss out on the opportunity of experiencing one of these documentaries with your own eyes!Scuba diving in Cozumel is made even more amazing by the ocean´s crystal clear waters, providing incredible visibility, as if nature knew that such beauty deserves to be seen as clearly as possible on nearly every dive.FREE NITROX!
Sign up for an CATAMARAN Wedding in Montego Bay with Dressel DiversThe 08:15 a.m. and 1:15 p.m. departures offer divers the option of doing a TWO-TANK DIVE or a SINGLE-TANK DIVE.Divers on the 10:15 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. departures can only do a SINGLE-TANK DIVE.Departure times and dive sites are very unlikely to change, but may be modified in specifics situation (strong currents, weather, etc. You can obtain more information, or know how to change the configuration, by clicking on
If you continue navigating, we will consider you accepting its use. The 08:30 a.m. departure offers divers the option of doing a TWO-TANK DIVE or a SINGLE-TANK DIVE.
**The 20% discount does not apply on some activities like liveaboards or some special packages. ).No need to plan your dive dates and times before arrival. * On recreational diving & snorkeling > valid for our dive centers in Mexico, Jamaica and the Dominican Republic * 15% in Majorca * 10% in Puerto Vallarta ** These promotion discounts apply on products/services that are paid before your arrival at the hotel, through our DRESSEL DIVERS Headquarters. Up to 20% ONLINE DISCOUNT on the best scuba diving Cozumel has to offer! Such activities have this exception indicated in their description.Depending on the time of the year and hotel you are interested in we can offer you a great price on Caribbean COMBINED HOTEL & DIVING DEALS.
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