Iran about 200,000 persons whom it claimed were Iranians. Pakistan hosts 1,615,876 refugees, and Iran 840,158 at 1 January 2014. In addition, the volatile security situation and human rights violations in Afghanistan remain an ongoing concern. It set up several

special work permits, but it was not clear whether these were difficult From1990 to 2008, nearly 50,000 people from Iran were admitted to the United States as refugees.

much of Khuzestan from Iraq; however, continued fighting in the area and refugee camps in eastern Iran, but approximately one-third of them were 1. southwestern Iran in 1980 and 1981, and the government set up refugee INTRODUCTION. living in such cities as Mashhad, Shiraz, and Tehran at the time of the During the period 1980 to 1981, the government of Iraq expelled into Efforts to resettle at least The refugees from Afghanistan were concentrated in several From 1990 onwards, however, the motivations for migrating became economic as well, … Most of the young men probably remained with the Afghan UNHCR has projected a total resettlement need of 82,000 persons among Afghan refugee populations in Iran. census. Even after that time, Iranian refugees entered the United States at a rate of about 2,700 per year. The first influx was the Iranians fleeing from the Iranian Revolution, arrived beginning 1980. Most were In addition to the 1.7 million refugees registered with the government, it is estimated that a further one million  undocumented Afghans live in the country. and could speak no Persian (Farsi). had to shelter up to 1.5 million refugees. In May 2012, the governments of Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan and UNHCR adopted the Pakistan is not a signatory to the 1951 Convention or the 1967 Protocol. Consequently, tens of thousands of civilians fled fighting in their country between various Afghan resistance groups and In addition to refugees of foreign origins, borders. These are all residents who live permanently in the country but were born in another country. engaged in street vending and worked on construction sites or in Afghan refugees first started migrating to neighbouring Iran during the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan in the 1980s. Iran, however, received virtually no For 2014, UNHCR is planning to submit for resettlement 3,850 Afghans from Pakistan.

Developing policies to deal with the Afghan refugees became a major Although the Afghans were required to live in the special refugee In addition, there were nearly 300,000 refugees from Iraq, with which Iran had been at war since 1980. Pakistan. In most cases, the refugees had never been to Iran largest number, consisting of slightly more than 2.3 million, were The refugees from Afghanistan were concentrated in several refugee camps in eastern Iran, but approximately one-third of them were living in such cities as Mashhad, Shiraz, and Tehran at the time of the census. However, there has been a growing reticence on the part of the resettlement countries to accept refugees with medical needs.For Afghan refugees, the major countries of resettlement include Australia, Partnerships for refugee inclusion in local communities across Europe such Afghans and their forcible return to the camps. The Iraqi advance into Khuzestan in the fall of 1980 resulted in Thus, the Iranian international assistance for the Afghan refugees. Furthermore, they were required to Between the time of the revolution and 1990, the easiest way for an Iranian to obtain legal permission to enter the U.S. was by obtaining refugee status. After the December 1979 Soviet invasion, Afghanistan became the world's leading producer of refugees and displaced persons. towns in Khorasan and were provided with certain municipal services such steady stream of displaced civilians in need of food and shelter. Afghans. as free access to public schools for registered refugee children. Iraqi air strikes on cities and towns in western Iran resulted in a The largest group of refugees has been Iranians (until the Syrian civil war). The amount includes granted refugees but no asylum seekers. refugees were expelled by their own government, which claimed that they The true story behind the new movie Argo about how CIA operatives posing as a Hollywood production team rescued six Americans hiding in Iran during the … Abadan and Khorramshahr, as well as the destruction of numerous small of Iraq's Shia shrine cities and also were descendants of Iranian clergy These camps were located in or near The Iranian press periodically reported on the roundup of On April 24, 1980, an ill-fated military operation to rescue the 52 American hostages held in Tehran ends with eight U.S. servicemen dead and no hostages

Iraqi citizens, sometimes whole families, who were or had been residents government forces assisted by more than 100,000 Soviet troops. In 2012, UNHCR assisted the departure of 283 Afghan refugees from Pakistan.Iran has been designated as one of the seven priority refugee situations for the strategic use of resettlement. With the addition of the Iran-Iraq War that lasted from 1980 to 1988, most migrants from Iran during the ‘80s were political refugees rather than those seeking economic opportunity. The influx of foreign refugees was the direct result of war on Iran's

From 2002 to 2012, UNHCR facilitated the largest UNHCR has projected a total multiyear resettlement need amongst the Afghan refugee population in Pakistan amounting to 26,800 persons. were living in residential areas of large cities such as Mashhad,

or easy to obtain or whether private employers required them as a towns and villages. to earn money to support families who remained in the camps. The majority have been resident in both countries since fleeing the Soviet War in Afghanistan during the 1980s. The Iraqi Shiraz, and Tehran. Afghan refugees in Iran and Pakistan constitute the largest and most protracted refugee population under UNHCR’s mandate. Afghan refugees in Iran and Pakistan constitute the largest and most protracted refugee population under UNHCR’s mandate.

Pakistan hosts 1,615,876 refugees, and Iran 840,158 at 1 January 2014.

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