Interlibrary Loan Contact us via our It is different from I-Share, because I-Share can only be used to request books (not articles). DePaul Law faculty members and other College of Law patrons who wish to submit a request on their own behalf should use the Law Library's ILLiad interlibrary loan system. Please enable scripts and reload this page. Interlibrary Loan The Rinn Law Library's Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service is available to College of Law students, faculty and staff. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. Interlibrary Loan requests take longer to arrive, and the loan period varies. (Requests for microfilm, photocopies or in-library use only items will not appear in your account. Each member of the DePaul community has different borrowing privileges. Please allow 5-7 days to receive materials. If DePaul doesn't own research materials you need, we will try to obtain them via I-Share or interlibrary loan. Please enable scripts and reload this page. The Rinn Law Library's Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service is available to College of Law students, faculty and staff.

Retired DePaul staff and faculty can also be added to the Interlibrary Loan database. Only DePaul students enrolled in a course for the current quarter, as well as current DePaul faculty and staff, are automatically entered in the Interlibrary Loan database. *If you have not set a password in the past, please log in using your last name in all capital letters. Borrowing Interlibrary Loan is a way for the DePaul Libraries to borrow books and articles for you from libraries worldwide. The Rinn Law Library's Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service is available to College of Law students, faculty and staff. Pending interlibrary loan requests will appear in your account within two business days. DePaul Faculty, and other members of the University community outside of the College of Law, should visit the DePaul University Libraries ILLiad page. Please allow 5-7 days to receive materials.Questions about article or book requests? To check the status of those requests, please call Interlibrary Loan at (312) 747-4344 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.) In regards to Interlibrary loan requests for photocopies from books, the fair use standard is no more than 10% or one chapter of a book (whichever is less of the whole of the work). You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. To request materials from non I-Share libraries, DePaul users can login to Interlibrary Loan to make requests.

The law library staff will attempt to borrow books or obtain copies of journal articles needed for academic research when the item needed is not available at any DePaul library and cannot be borrowed directly from another Students are responsible for any lending or copy charges assessed by the lending library, as well as damage to or loss of ILL materials.

Summary: No more than 10% or 1 chapter (which ever is less) of a book will be requested for photocopy request via Interlibrary Loan.

Requesting articles Please review your privileges below.If DePaul doesn't own research materials you need, we will try to obtain them via I-Share or interlibrary loan. Please contact the Director of Business Administration for more information.

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