Outside in the alley again, a gang of heavily armed girls corner a man who was just standing there, slap him to the ground, point a gun at him and force lipstick on him.

as the colour fades from the video and the room is shown in monochrome.

(If I were your woman)

It was certified Elsewhere in continental Europe, "If You Were a Woman (And I Was a Man)" was a hit in Finland, Switzerland and Germany, where it peaked at number 11, 16 and 32 respectively. Elle est célèbre pour la chanson It's A Heartache en 1978, Total Eclipse Of The Heart en 1983, et Si Demain (Turn Around) (paroles francaises de Emmanuel Pribys/musique de Jim Steinman), avec Kareen Antonn en 2004, plus de 2 million d’exemplaires de ce disque se sont vendus dans le monde.

Three versions of the video were published.

If I were your woman

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There are also semi naked muscular men, some caught like flies in a giant spider web, dozens of feet high.

The video then cuts and widens full-screen as the song begins.

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Across the Atlantic, the song peaked at number 77 on the In conjunction with the single release, Tyler recorded a music video for "If You Were a Woman (And I Was a Man)". Well, this is your time to figure that out!

Here's what I'd do

I'd never no, no stop loving you In the short story "If I Were a Man" by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, a married woman named Mollie Mathewson wishes "heart and soul" that she was a man, …

Obviously, this quiz is intended for boys (although I'm sure some rebellious girls will try it, too ;).

The voice of the elderly woman repeats as she did in the opening - "Down in the deep end, behind the walls of the dive - it was like a footnote to paradise".

Will you find yourself attractive as women or will you be ugly?

Says you're nothing at all

"If You Were a Woman (And I Was a Man)" featured on her 2004 album Bonnie Tyler's certifications and sales See: "Les Ventes" => "Toutes les certifications depuis 1973" => "TYLER Bonnie"

Le scrobbling se fait quand Last.fm suit la musique que vous écoutez et l'ajoute automatiquement à votre profil musical.

If you were my woman

And you were my man

If I were your woman When she lets you fall

Bonnie sings in black and white, an enormous cloth falls from behind her and with it, color invades the whole room.

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