I was stuck with everything being Nan; cookies in bank, cps, baked this game/all time after I did a soft reset. um guys i think i broke the game there are golden cookies everywhere and i don't know what i did
you could have also went to menu and erased you're file Please either enable it in your browser options, or visit your wrote: just do javasccript:Game.cookies: = 0183.90.103.187 wrote: Game.cookies = Game.cookiesd = qwertyupkjhgfdazxcvbnmlkjhfdsawertypgyu9hbhuhbv cvftrfdcftgv bjioijbjklolpokjnkp[pknbtrsAwa1awdih'so its like the game knows i cheated Because every time i try and change the amount it shows some different sentence each time about cheated cookies taste awful and i cant change the amount i cant earn anything it say infinity cookies but i can't buy anything anymore"Game.cookies = Game.cookiesd = 0;" in the console and that worked. So...
i have 0 cookies but appears that i have infinty cookies and i cant get cookies any more. Good luck guys.
Game.cookies = Game.cookiesd = 200000000 wouldn't work BUT Game.cookies = 200000000 CAN work. i could reset my account but it still says infinite Cookie Clicker has various options to stop your computer from melting into a pile of silicon and rainbow LEDs.
I was stuck with everything being Nan; cookies in bank, cps, baked this game/all time after I did a soft reset.
"Cookie Clicker" Screenshot | Source. wrote: someone pls help me plssss im stuck on NaN for everything and i refreshed my console log and i keep on trying everything but it eithers comes out with syntax errors or game not defined stufffffsss help.... :s Game.prestige = Game.cookies = Game.cookiesPs = Game.cookiesd = 0 use code..
I tried just about all of these, but none worked. if you save after you input the command, it won't make a lick of good since you saved the infinity or NaN after changing it. I don't seem to get any more options for upgrades. all you need to do is go back on inspect element console same as you did to do the cheat and do Game.cookies = 1 and then you will start of with 1 cookies again
it is more boring than clicking a mouse enter that into the console control, save, and refresh the game. go to menu and click "Wipe Save" and it deletes all of your progress such as your cookies. Hope this helps someone who might have the same issue! Game.ObjectsById.forEach(function (e) { This is what i meant. How do i Game.cookies=
This Cookie Clicker guide will help you collect cookies quickly and efficiently. Good luck! the newest WORKING way is wrote: (Not really, just after reading thousands of the same Game.cookies=0, etc.
dude how can you be that dumb the game knows you cheated so you can't buy anything sometime soon Even when the ininify sugar lumps reset like everything else. The way I had to fix this was importing a recent save, which I had fortunately did right before everything went nan (before the reset), and then making the adjustments to the cookies in bank and cps after importing the save (changed from infinity to 0, or whatever number you want). Cookie Clicker Strategy Guide.
Before on the wiki this was a valid cheat but somebod erased it. well that would't work as you see the hack basically takes over that making us unable to click it Contents . Step 6: Go to your normal Cookie Clicker Game and import the save you just copied. Help please. I found a solution that gives you a 100% clean slate without an additional program) I thought it would be good having cheats but now i think it makes it boring so how do you remove it ?? Well, most of them asked how to remove the infinite cookies and ONLY the infinite cookies. That been said, here's the solution:
This will delete your achievements too (I think) but you can get them back pretty fast... btw if you don't want to scroll through all this just do "Yall dont understand my problem (im not the original person) I ascended with infinity cookies I dont get how to do it at all My game switches between infinity cookies and zero cookies. I have the official solution. To access the options, click the "Options" tab at the top. Try it. Lojiuhiunhunuhhuhuhnjnjhnhjnhjbjhbhjbuhbhjnhjbjhbjhbjhbjhbjhbhjbjhbjhbjhbhjbjhnjhbhjjhbjhbhjbjhbhbhjbjhbjhbjhbjhbjhbjhbhjbjhbjhbjhbjhbjbbjbbjbbhjbjhbjhbjhbhjbjhbuhbuhbgvvgyvftcdrcrdxsrxrsxdrxrdxrsxesxsezawawaawazdxdrctfygbhunnkmmokmokjmiuhbuhvtfcrdxeszsezwaawaaesddrctfvyggbuhnim)i,okmjnhubuhbygvftcdrxsezeszsezsexrcftvgybugbuhnijmkjnbgcrdxeszwazsxdcvygbhnBuhbijmokko,pl,k,okminhhubygvftcdrxrdxttfvygbuhjhnnjjnnijmkokok,okmjiinnhbygvtfccdxesxxsexdsxdexesxxesxCHbhghghhbuhbhubuhbuhbhunuhnuhnunuhnuhnuhnuhnhunuhnuhnuhuhnuhnuhnhnuhnuhnuhnuhnhnhunuhnnuhnuhnunhunuhnuhnuhnuhnhunjhhnuhnuhnhnuhnhbihihhinihnuhnuhnjhnhjnnhinihnihn, I hate my life, I love the sky, I love being dumb, I'm so dumb, oh wait I'm so smart.
I don't know why this works for some and not others, maybe platform? I was thinking that to. Also you could've just used Game.Spend(blahblahblah). REPLACE THE
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