tbh i didn't know we had an original release date You guys have a great track record of polish and shine. Damn is that date super close for this update, I'll be honest, I thought it be another month! Ty for letting us know in advance. Hey Everybody, We're going to delay the release of Turn of Tides for a bit.

Keep a wary eye out. 2 comments. I believe the update already came out and has been out for a while but I can't figure out how to play that specific one. What is this "lunacy?" They’re almost here. This guide is currently a work in progress.

A common fool, I am. They don't make their programmers work 100hrs/week trying to make you/us happy for 2 hours of game time, which is pretty darn ballsy in today's environment. Use the Index on the right to navigate the guide. I'm certain they're not gonna start now. Your feedback and bug reports have been super helpful, so please keep it coming! Turn of Tides: Something ancient stirs in the night sky, and the world below will never be the same.

a lot of people's primary complaint is the sailing. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. A strange new island teeming with life has appeared, and with it, a whole new slew of challenges for our Survivors to face. :) This is a guide on how to fight all mobs in DST with videos for visual support. As always you guys want to release quality content, keep up the great works guys! How about updating DST to use Steamworks Shared redists rather than packing the redists with the game? As always, a big thanks to everybody currently on the beta branch. Return of Them Status Update Archived. It's still going to be available on the beta branch, we just want everything to be more polished and 'complete' before it goes to the live version of Don't Starve Together. I even like it being delayed a little, because I'll get to enjoy the fake sea's hidden beauty for longer. Take your time, its always worth the wait Edit: Figured it … As long as it's going to be all reworked and tweaked up

© Valve Corporation. the problem isn't the content: it's ALL super awesome, i love it all so much. So just to be clear here so that we aren't raising expectations, Turn of Tides is the first big update for Return of Them. Keep on rocking with the updates, Klei! Is there an option to turn off the beta? tbh i didn't know we had an original release date

I don't have a current ETA on when Turn of Tides will be released to the live branch, but I will update you all as soon as we're reasonably certain of the new date. Key Features: New Boat Mechanics: Don’t sink together! So it's not going to be complete when it does go live, but it needs to be stable and interesting enough that it's worth putting into the main game. This topic is now archived and is closed to further replies. So, any word on that retro fitting once it goes live? I enjoy playing with one of my close friends and they'd rather not opt in, but I still want to be able to play with them. Bummer it's not coming out, but the fact they're delaying it to make it a smoother smail is more than welcome, from all of us.

If I decide to opt in for the Return of Them beta, will I be able to play on non-beta servers? This scheduling change does not affect character or beta updates so Warly is still (currently) on schedule and the beta branch will continue to receive updates until we think it's ready to go out to everybody. Honestly thought that Warly was being added on June 18th. Oh good to know. I'm only hoping for a more shipwrecked like boat. @NawiQ their games are made ethically fam, that's more than you could ask for from a game studio nowadays. I expected it to be released on the 20th in the "moon". Take your time, friends.

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