When [[Ramunap Excavator]] came out, I was wondering: Wouldn't a lands archetype be viable in CUBE?

I tried adding [[Fastbond]], [[Exploration]], [[Horn of Greed]], and [[Future Sight]] along with Meloku, to try to make a UG lands type combo deck.

Horn of Greed was my favorite payoff card for a long time, since it's by far the most fun, but Narset makes this too much of a risk to run for now. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. However in end of September 2018 there comes a new edition Guilds of Ravnica. Alan played a Horn of Greed, followed by a land that drew him three cards, and another land, also good for three cards.

Demoniacal Cult in Greedfall is a main quest.This quest is unlocked after completing Old Countries in a New World.Petrus indicates that there is a village where strange happenings between the villagers seem to be happening and requests for De Sardet and Constantin's help to further investigate. As far as lands go, this is a lands deck, so we will be using all of the fetch lands to get as many landfall triggers per turn as possible. "Rath grows, and I am nourished. Alan also played Powder Keg, then passed the turn. The present world scenario shows that even corona is, after all, an environmental crisis. I also like that I can run Deathrite Shaman and a few other cards and have them work. Combined with Exploration or Fastbond, the Horn quickly becomes an engine from which you can draw three, four, five, or more cards a … They’re good in any deck and even better in ours since they provide double Landfall bonuses. Whenever a player plays a land, that player draws a card. Loam, crucible, strip mine, wasteland, ramunap, green sun, man lands, sylvan advocate, tireless tracker, oracle of mul daya, maze of ith, karakas, cycle duals, braids, smokestacks... among a lot of other cards. I follow wtwlf123s vintage cube and at least his list supports it.
So for now, I am fine with Crucible and Excavator supporting control/ramp with fetchlands, occasionally locking with Strip Mine, and supporting Stax.I love how much all the lands cards can over lap into many other archetypes.Outside of some of the really specific cards like gitrog monster, a lot of lands cards in multiple colors can go into other decks: seismic assault/molten vortex/conflagrate in red burn-ish decks, braids/pox/smokestack in prison meloku and trade routes in trade routes, and weathered wayfarer/knight of the white orchid in white weenie. I’m not a huge fan of running off-color fetches in addition to these, but you can definitely do it if you’d like. Fetch lands are a must. Jace, Unraveler of Secrets. Heck no, go for it!Will it be competitive with the premium archetypes?

For reference, my list ist here: I have successfully added lands to my cube several times. I'm not so certain.The principle issue is that many of the pay-off cards are ALSO very good in other strong archetypes (Braids, Smokestack, Green Ramp), meaning the deck has to assemble more pieces from a limited pool than other archetypes.I think you're best bet is to make it a Golgari Ramp/Tutor lock deck that ramps, tutors, wraths, locks...usually in that order...to take over the game in like...turns 5-7...and then win in short order with a Gitrog or Garruk.I tried adding [[Fastbond]], [[Exploration]], [[Horn of Greed]], and [[Future Sight]] along with Meloku, to try to make a UG lands type combo deck. Academy Rector. It never really came together. It never really came together.I do run 2x fetch lands, which I think makes the cube draft a lot smoother and makes some land-synergy cards like Titania work. Even the deathtouch clause is occasionally relevant, allowing Hedron Crab to trade favorably with Thought-Knot Seer, Reality Smasher, Dreadhorde Arcanist, etc if you have a fetch land or crop rotation. Auriok Champion. You're essentially drafting stacks with a ton of land synergy and graveyard recursion.Agree, I have something similar but even more enforced in my cube, as I don't support green aggro.Lands archetype is a synergy based strategy that will never be the main focus of a deck, but can work alongside stax or other midrange, prison strategies. "—Volrath Show and Tell. The engine in the now-famous TurboLand deck, Horn of Greed returns your one card investment in land into a one card return. Emrakul, the Aeons Torn.

This would be repeated until the library was empty.

I'm not discussing a card but an archetype.Lands has always felt like an incidental archetype that comes together if the cards are seen in the proper sequence.If you're very familiar with a list then you're able to nab all the pieces early and assemble the lock, but if it's rotating cast of drafters then it ends up benched on the sidelines for more reliable/powerful effects.Is there a reason you can't support the archetype? I do run 2x fetch lands, which I think makes the cube draft a lot smoother and makes some land-synergy cards like Titania work. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsCookies help us deliver our Services.
Animar, Soul of Elements. Add the following bots to your buddylist: Path to Exile (1 sold, 3 left) Rofellos, Llanowar Emissary. Null Rod.

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