Moises was being persuaded to join the gang his childhood friends had been a part of since they were 10. This...
By Hector Martinez on March 30, 2016 Crime Fighting, Headline News. Joining, he thought, might just be a way to survive.His parents, former farmers who moved to the city in hopes of a better life for their children, were urging him to leave the country for a chance at a lifeâ any lifeâ abroad. But Moises was torn. The Cachiros were one of Honduras' largest transport groups, with a net worth...The Cachiros were one of Honduras' largest transport groups, with a net worth close to $1 billion. Like its better-known rival, the Mara Salvatrucha (MS13), the Barrio 18 has cells operating from Central America to Canada, including the United States. Criminal investigation is severely hampered by limited funding, a lack of high-tech investigative tools, corrupt officers, and poor police education. When life gets to be too much, best friends Moises (left) and Jaime climb up the hill in their neighborhood to daydream of a future far from the tension of the streets.At the edge of San Pedro Sula, a city in northern Honduras surrounded by swamps and sugar cane fields, lies the densely populated district of Planeta. Historically, Honduras has had a weak police force.
The violence is carried out by local drug trafficking groups, gangs, corrupt security forces and transnational criminal organizations mainly from Mexico and Colombia.In recent years, Honduras has become a strategic transit nation for drugs moving north to the United States. As part of his work in human rights, transitional justice and prison reform, Michael Reed has been inside dozens of prisons across the Americas.
There are no schools and few businesses so residents have no choice but to navigate these territories on their long commutes to more affluent parts of the city, risking being caught in the crossfire.Itâs in places like this where generations of young people have realized that in Honduras the self-perpetuating cycles of violence, corruption, and poverty have robbed them of their right to grow old.I arrived here to continue a project I had begun in 2015 documenting the mass migration of Hondurans making the perilous journey towards the United States. Still, it is questionable how far its different units are coordinated across borders, or even within the same city.The Mara Salvatrucha, or MS13, is perhaps the most notorious street gang in the Western Hemisphere. Away from the noisy streets, he shared the crisis keeping him up at night.
Honduras has arrested a suspect in the murder of an environmental rights activist and colleague of recently slain award-winning indigenous leader Berta Caceres. Here, church steeples dot the corners of unpaved streets amid a patchwork of gang turfsâone block may be governed by one gang and the next three by their rivals. In Gang-Ridden Honduras, Growing Old is a Privilege, Not a Right Time and time again, fleeing Honduran families explained in harrowing detail the precise moment when life in the country was no longer an option: An imminent threat against their lives at the whim of a dominant gang, a workplace shuttered by impossible extortion quotas imposed by I wanted to better understand the factors at play, so I headed to the source of the exodus.
He was now only known by his gang name, Furia.Most of all, I was struck by Moises, who was barely 17. © 1996-2015 National Geographic Society, © 2015- Masked police officers patrol the streets in dust-covered body armor, their fingers on the trigger of their weapon. Once we earned each otherâs trust, we hiked up the barren hill in the middle of the neighborhood. Violence and crime in Honduras are likely to go unpunished for a number of reasons. I asked who took care of him growing up. While it has its origins in the poor, refugee-laden neighborhoods of 1980s Los Angeles, the gang's reach now extends from Central American nations like El Salvador and through Mexico, the United States, and Canada. His girlfriend, only 16, recently surprised him with news that he was going to be a father. The violence is carried out by local drug trafficking groups, gangs, corrupt security forces and transnational criminal organizations mainly from Mexico and Colombia. We connected instantly. Honduras, long one of the poorest countries in Latin America, is now also among the most violent and crime-ridden. All rights reserved He wouldnât ever consider it, he said, if it werenât for the years of being brutalized by police and barely surviving near misses with neighboring gangs. In October 2012, the US Department of the Treasury labeled the group a "transnational criminal organization," the first such designation for a US street gang. Honduras, long one of the poorest countries in Latin America, is now also among the most violent and crime-ridden. Caught up in the cycle of violence, corruption and poverty, young people in Honduras are literally fighting for survival.
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