"Hold" out a promise? We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word hold out promise will help you to finish your crossword today. hold out a possibility / prospect / promise etc to say or show that something may or will happen. All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. Anybody can answer Learn more about Stack Overflow the company Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us How to use hold/have promise in a sentence. site design / logo © 2020 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under
"Make" a promise? Definition of hold promise in the Idioms Dictionary. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional.To have potential or be likely to achieve success. Nvidia Trades Higher On Q2 Earnings Beat.
businessadvisor.ca Les a cti ons semblent off rir des re ndements plus élevés, mais elles sont plus fluctuant es que les obli ga tio ns ou les CPG . Something can "hold promise," meaning that it may offer the prospect of beneficial but not yet realized consequences. Please pardon the intrusion.It's a bit confusing because there are two verbs used, but neither is used as they normally are.
It's also a good answer.
Definition of hold out in the Idioms Dictionary. permit. But the phrase "hold out a promise," I think, lies in a murky realm of its own, apart from those relatively clear alternatives.The likeliest intended meaning of any contextless instance of "hold out a promise," in my opinion, is the meaning that I gave above for "hold promise."
I hope he can deliver during the season.Everyone thought the prototype held promise, but it didn't hold up during the testing phase. What does hold out expression mean?
Temptations abound. My brethren, among ourselves at this present time there is a transaction going forward; a great transaction of business for eternity. Nvidia Analysts Preview Q2 Earnings: A Challenging Near Term, But Out Years It is the kind of professional reading that deepens our appreciation for what has happened across the years to develop and stimulate our thinking about central issues that TELECOMWORLDWIRE-September 26, 2016-Silicon Valley Bank survey finds big data, artificial intelligence M2 EQUITYBITES-September 26, 2016-Silicon Valley Bank survey finds big data, artificial intelligence With the near future holding promise for fine-tuning immunotherapy for breast cancer, this trinity of ultrasound-guided cryoablation, freezing of any residual tumor and the tumor bed in situ, and focused immunotherapy could Research on the use of pulsed electromagnetic field therapy in dogs with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), also known as enlarged prostate, suggests it may According to TechCrunch, the firm found Bitcoin likely can't work as a currency, but the ledger-based technology that underlies it could Targeting expression of the gene Neuregulin1, which makes a protein important for brain development, may "Organic transistors, which switch or amplify electronic signals, Our new recruit holds promise.
Or again (as you suggest) the person could simply mean "make a promise."
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Fraud In both instances, the author's focus on the dangling of the promise serves immediately afterward to underscore the falseness of the promise. What does hold promise expression mean? EDIT (2/16/13): To follow up on the "dangling a promise" meaning of "hold out a promise," I note that two of the first three unique Google results for "hold out a promise" are as follows: From a sermon by Joshua Brooks in Essays on the Advent and Kingdom of Christ: And the Events Connected Therewith (1840):.
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