It is difficult to believe that there could be a more effective way of spreading Australian national goodwill directly and personally to many thousands of Asian people than by a visit of this kind, nor that there could be a better way of broadening the outlook and understanding of the young sailors fortunate enough to be involved....a quick sum up of our impressions is of a beautiful country, with excellent facilities for the tourist, whose people are clever, industrious and have made use of advantages of the modern world without losing their love for old traditions - and, most of all, oh such beautiful women.A somewhat 'tongue in cheek' report in Navy News had this to say:Doesn't the tendency to 'go native' grow on you in a very short time? The Daring Class brought a new standard of accommodation to the RAN with air conditioning, cafeteria messing and bunks instead of hammocks.The Darings were designed and built as versatile, multi-purpose 'Gun Ships' with three separate weapon control systems to control the main and secondary armament. The exercise ended with a Fleet Entry into Trincomalee on 10 March.Trincomalee, the major fleet anchorage on the east coast of Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) was a very quiet 'run ashore' compared to Singapore and Hong Kong. Each ship when asked was emphatic that no crews had been together in the boat before, as there hadn't been time! 1. While in this port, A goodwill visit to Calcutta was next on the ship's programme.

It has been stopped since 8.54pm on 10 February 1964, the minute he was submerged in waters of the Pacific along with fellow crew members on HMAS Voyager… River and Harbour pilots were used to navigate the busy Hooghly River, since the river shoals change so rapidly that the chart is no more than a geographical guide. Remember the Matilda Bar? On passing Bradleys Head, The Navy News of Friday 29 September 1961 included a list of personnel who had been advanced in rate effective 11 August 1961, including the following Exercise AUCKEX 6 was next on the agenda, 10-26 November 1961, involving three British, two New Zealand and five Australian units. Login. The evening went off well, and, by the look on the faces on Thursday, all enjoyed it.The ship's landing party made full use of Stonecutter's Island, proving that sailors are just as adept at using small-arms as they are at using 4.5-inch and 40mm guns.An Open Day was held during the visit, during which an incredible 12,000 people swarmed over the ship!Following the arduous work up phase of the exercise, Saturday proved to be a beautiful day and the beaches were packed both with sailors and the local children selling bananas and coconuts. A combination of high heels, slender shape and Cheongsam trips by, and the brilliant conversation dies away, replaced by rapt stares and open mouths.

The April-June 1997 edition of 'The Navy' included a feature by Ryan. The Canberra Times (ACT : 1926 - 1995), Wed 12 Feb 1964, Page 25 - Full List Of Dead And Missing From Voyager. This article has been corrected by It is doubtful whether a better stage show can be seen anywhere in the world than the famous Takarazaka Girls' Review - who could complain about 150 girls on stage at the same time! The two ships called into Darwin briefly en route, 7-8 February, with Two days out of Darwin en route to Singapore, the two ships came under the operational control of Flag Officer Commanding-in-Chief, Far East Fleet (C-in-C FEF). Like an all-devouring horde, we descended on the shops and stalls seeking the real 'bargains'...a veritable babble of tongues and accents...Australian, English, Scots, New Zealand, French and American. There were usually three sittings for each meal to reduce the dining congestion and allow for watchkeeping.

Click Here. Three things only are essential in this Singapore taxi service - a racing engine, an ear splitting horn and a wooden faced maniac at the wheel. The local US Services entertained the ship's company at all levels, in their clubs, in sightseeing, and at sports. Junior rates are due to join on Thursday 2nd, and by Friday 3rd, the ship will be running on the New Commission Ship's Company.The ship's new commission Rugby Union team challenged On 20 October, the RAN's three Daring Class destroyers, The RANs Family Day at sea for 1959 took place on Saturday 24 October.

So it is that in An integral part of the ship's efficiency as a fighting unit is her communications. Between ordering and completion, the cost of each Daring increased from £2.6 million to almost £7 million! But we need to be super sure you aren't a robot.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to get the full Trove experience. Mix all the above together into one mad potpourri and simmer well under a hot tropical sun. What a devastating effect it must have; but the residents of Nagasaki were equal to the occasion, and promptly raised the prices of their merchandise...Nagasaki had been completely rebuilt from the devastation of World War 2. One could wonder, too, at the extension of the Kai-Tak airstrip many hundreds of yards into the sea.

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