; P. Glaue and A. Rahlfs, Fragmente einer griech. This culture was known as "Hellenism." The language of this book was, of course. The New Testament was written in Koine Greek. to 132 B.C., Jewish scholars translated the Hebrew Scriptures into Greek. It was in these "mysteries" that the Christian Fathers, according to the mood or the need, polemic or apologetic, of the moment, saw now the propaedeutic type, now the diabolically instituted counterfeit, of the sacraments and ordinances of the church. culture by establishing new Gr. ended with their defeat by the Seleucids in 198 The entrenchment of Hellenism can more readily be seen among the Alexandrian Jews, esp. The former provided the scripture and legitimacy for the new religion. It is customary to distinguish two main periods, between which stands the striking figure of Alexander the Great, and to apply to the earlier period the adjective "Hellenic," that of "Hellenistic" to the latter. The ideal of many Jews of the Diaspora was to go to Jerusalem, not only for a short pilgrimage, but with the purpose of staying there and being buried there at their death. After Alexander’s death until 198 The Ptolemaic influence over Pal. The mythology of the Greeks had contained a vague theology, without authority indeed, but satisfactory because adequate to express the national thought. The city-state, often confederated with other city-states, displaced the organization of tribe or clan, thus substituting a new unit and a new interest for the old; and the centers thus created radiated Hellenic influence and made for order and good government everywhere. Thus, the idea of a pristine Judaism, untouched by Hellenism, giving rise to an equally untouched early Christianity that was later 'corrupted' by But there existed throughout a subtle difference of spirit which made it possible, even inevitable, for the Greeks to attain to democratic institutions, whereas to the Hebrews such a development was impossible, if not unthinkable. Thus, it came about that in the 8th and 7th centuries BC, two great movements of colonial expansion set in, one toward the Hellespont and to the shores of the Pontus, or Black Sea, beyond, the other westward toward Southern Italy, Sicily, and beyond as far as Gades in Spain. In the 5th and 4th centuries the leaders of Greek thought rebuked the activity of certain priests, and it was not before the period of Roman dominion that priests succeeded even in a small measure in usurping power, and sacred writings began to exercise an authority remotely comparable to that recognized among the Jews. The widespread use of the Greek language aided the sharing of the gospel from India to Spain.

That is because Greek civilization has become typical of all western civilization. HELLENISM, HELLENISTS (̔Ελληνισμός, Hellenism, imitation of the Greeks; ̔Ελληνιστής, G1821, Hellenist, a Greek-speaking Jew).Hellenism is the devotion to ancient Gr. a.d. We find many of the artificial Greek names of localities disappear and the old place-names reappear; we find the vernacular, so far spoken only by illiterate country folk,*In the meantime, Hellenism had not only assimilated many Oriental notions and beliefs: it had opened the West itself to Oriental influence. In the earlier stages of this process, moreover, there is nothing strikingly at variance with the institutions of the Hebrews, at least so far as concerns the outward forms. The types thus created, whether in sculpture, architecture, music, drama, history, or oratory, though not regarded with superstitious reverence, commended themselves by the sheer force of inherent truth and beauty to succeeding generations, thus steadying the course of development and restraining the exuberant originality and the tendency to individualism. Their debt to these sources can be profitably considered only in connection with the individual writers; but one who is acquainted with the Hebrew and Greek literature instinctively feels in reading the New Testament that the national character of the Jews, as reflected in the Old Testament, has all but vanished, remaining only as a subtle tone of moral earnestness and as an imaginative coloring, except in the simple story of the Synoptic Gospels. Yet there is no clear evidence of specifically Greek influence on this thought, the presuppositions of which are Jewish or generally those of the Hellenistic age. The feeling of guilt became stronger and stronger. The means to this end were mostly sacramental, This Greek culture, however, was but a veneer; it was only on the surface, and had only a temporary existence.

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