Version. "chopping women's meat". Unique DLs-- Total DLs-- Total views. I think there may be sexual innuendo in the song, but dunno... sometimes it seems like it's just about a crazy murderer. Makes all Melee weapons "automatic," meaning as long as the attack button is held, you will continue to beat on that Super Mutant with your pipe wrench.

If anything, "chopping meat" seems even more graphic than phrases like "bumping uglies" I find it very wearying that some of you not only didn't pick up on it, but still don't seem to get it even after it's been explained to you. "They has to mask their song's meaning so it got played on the radio.

The girls bailing him out to chop some more, etc.) "They have got their **** in the bag!" You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. Endorsements. what's first base, second base? Download: Manual; 0 of 0 File information. "They have got their **** in the bag!" Really now, if I were to write a song that included mention of "first base, second base" and such would you say "Hmm, I think I understand the deeper meaning. The women meeting the bail means it's obviously consensual, whatever he's doing, so that rules out rape. this song means he s a charactor that kills peoples. wisdom is in knowing you know nothing - SocratesWell that's just all fine and dandy about it being a metaphor for sex, but let me ask you all one thing: why would he be thrown in jail for being a player? The first time I heard this it didn't even cross my mind that it could be anything but sex. Uploaded by 1.0. Roy Brown - Butcher Pete (Full Version) + Lyrics! What are you, eight years old? What I suggest is that before he does the deed, he talks to the people, and somehow charms them into being vore fetishist. Mary's Milk Bar: Keep hackin and whackin and smackin! For Fallout 3 on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "He's Hackin' and Whackin' and Smackin'". Ermey's thoughts on PC Gamer.You're kidding right? R.L. Keep Hackin' and Whackin' and Smackin' - Automatic Melee; Keep Hackin' and Whackin' and Smackin' - Automatic Melee.

132. It's such an obvious metaphor, even without the lyrics that make it even more obvious (Butcher Pete's got a "long" sharp "knife". baseball! It could be about a murderer, but we all know better. R.L. You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest.

Butcher Pete (Part 1) is a song that plays on Galaxy News Radio in Fallout 3, Diamond City Radio in Fallout 4 and Appalachia Radio in Fallout 76. Cannibalism, even when both parties are willing is still illegal, which would explain why he would have been thrown in jail for doing something to the women that they obviously loved. Original upload 18 April 2017 9:22PM. Ermey's thoughts on PC Gamer.BTW, women paying the bail really isn't about actual sex so much as it is that a lot of women romanticize about criminals and have throughout history even though said criminals could be absolutely bat **** insane.

Created by GenghisKhanX . - See 1,050 traveler reviews, 257 candid photos, and great deals for Edinburgh, UK, at Tripadvisor. Bloodroots from Paper Cult is the latest game to be cut from this same cloth and wouldn’t you know, I love it a whole bunch.

The song was written and performed by Roy Brown.

he hackin and whackin and smackin; User Info: strangethoughts. - YouTube Last updated 19 April 2017 12:52AM. strangethoughts 11 years ago #21. specifically mentioning that he doesn't care if they're single or married. Not changing unbolded part of sig until 50 people ask me to.People Asked:"yo dawg i herd you like bayonets so i put a bayonet on yo bayonet so you can stab while you stab"~MunchenGohanFallout Wiki for all kinds of help with this Fallout 3: Kyogissun Currently Playing: Left 4 Dead, Mass Effect, Dead Rising/Next from Gamefly: FEAR 2, Bioshock, Star Ocean IV, Farcry 2 & RE 5Not changing unbolded part of sig until 50 people ask me to.People Asked:

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