x2 x5
x1 After exceeding the weekly limit of 350 Crown Pieces, you can still get the additional 14 "Well Rested" daily Crown Pieces.
x1 Purchases made on the website will be added to your account on any supported platform. z o.o.
x2 x2
x1 x1
x2 x2
x2 x2
The GWENT game is set in the universe created by Andrzej Sapkowski in his series of books. x2
x1 6. x1 x2
GWENT game © CD PROJEKT S.A. All rights reserved.
x1 How is Ciri’s leader skin different from other GWENT leader skins?6. x2
x2 x1 x2 19.
x3 x1 How many goodies can I unlock via the premium tier of Journey and by achieving level 100?9.
x2 x1 Ally of Lyria (Demavend) - Available in bundles for 1200 Meteorite Powder x2 Added a button to see the latest update of the page; Updated Wild Hunt Season borders; Close Window Purchases made on the website will be added to your account on any supported platform.5. 9/12/2019 - Leader Skins!
If you are looking for advice, news about the game or decklists, this is the right place!
x1 x2 x2 x1 By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. x1 x2
x3 If they have more than one the name is listed. x2 x1 x2 x1 Each leader has a leader skin from the faction reward tree and an alternative skin available in its own Reward Tree.
Left is default, right is custom. All players automatically get access to the free tier of Journey.
Unlock legendary Ciri skin and additional 20 ornaments. x1
x1 x2
x2 x1 x1 x1 x3
If you are looking for advice, news about the game or decklists, this is the right …
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