In my opinion this is somewhat of a secondary use compared to the other parts of the roundleaf greenbier that are edible. The information in this articles likely applies to other species in the genus but Smilax is a diverse genus so there could be exceptions. Wait until the regrowth is ½ to 1 foot tall and spray with a 10% solution of glyphosate. They are not crowded on the stem, they appear clearly separated , sometimes by a few inches. Alternatively, wait until early spring to spray new growth. There are a few main characteristics to look for. Due to their highly fibrous nature, Greenbriar tubers can't be used like potatoes. The leaves too have a pleasant mild taste and can be eaten raw or cooked. In South Carolina there are ten common Smilax species, along with five less common species. Smilax species (greenbriers) are difficult to control weedy vines that will entangle through ornamental landscape shrubs. I could not get rid of it even after battling to tear up the tough long running near surface roots.It can definitely be a nuisance. In my opinion this is somewhat of a secondary use compared to the other parts of the roundleaf greenbier that are edible. These vines are native to North America. Immediately paint or spray the freshly cut vine stumps with a 10% glyphosate solution, but do not allow the herbicide to touch landscape plants.

Medicinal use of Bristly Greenbrier: The stem prickles have been rubbed on the skin as a counter-irritant to relieve localised pains, muscle cramps and twitching. The new growth in the spring is an abundant and delicious vegetable. The texture is reminiscent of small asparagus but the taste is very mild with a hint of acidity. You should start being able to spot these masses from a distance once your familiar with the growth habit of greenbrier. The starch produced from the tubers may have an astringent, odd taste but it is rich in calories. There is not much substance to the berries since there are large seeds inside but any berry that persists throughout the winter and tastes good is something I add to my list of forageable foods.Once you know what to look for this plant is nearly unmistakable. Was this helpful? The vine is always solid green color, even in the winter although it may be speckled with dark sooty mold in a few places. These tendrils are actually modified stems that start out green and pliable, but once wrapped around a branch or twig of a nearby woody plant, they mature and harden. The roundleaf Greenbrier is plentiful in the eastern half of the US. Spray the foliage with a solution of triclopyr (9 fluid ounces of a 61.6% product with water to make a gallon of spray, or a 50:50 mix of an 8 or 8.8% product with an equal amount of water). Glyphosate has very little soil activity and should not be absorbed by the roots of nearby landscape plants.Triclopyr is a broadleaf herbicide that is absorbed by the mature foliage of greenbrier vines. To make a 10% solution, add 13 fluid ounces of a 41% concentrate glyphosate product with enough water in a pump-up sprayer to make a gallon of spray. Greenbrier intertwines with grass species in some types, impeding foot travel . A tea made from the leaves and stems has been used in the treatment of rheumatism and stomach problems. Each rhizome may sprout additional fast growing vines from several inches to several feet from the original vine.The rhizomes are capable of quickly regenerating new vines after being cut, damaged by fire, or treated with weed killers.Larger greenbrier vines are capable of growing upright at least six feet. Using woody plants for support, greenbriers may grow as high as 30 feet.Greenbrier thorns (actually prickles) may be green and quite small on some species or very large and multi-colored on mature vines of other species, such as on the saw greenbrier (Not all greenbrier vines are troublesome weeds. See Table 1 for examples of products containing triclopyr.Alternatively, spray or brush the triclopyr solution onto the freshly cut stumps of greenbrier vines for control.

The stems are tonic. Follow label directions for use and safety.Most species of greenbrier in SC have blue-black or black fruit that contain from one to three hard seeds; a few species have red fruit. The vine grows in messy bushy masses on wooded edges up to around 10′-20′ high. The roundleaf greenbrier(Smilax rotundifolia) is often underestimated as a wild edible. I wonder if the seeds can be used for anything? Herb: Greenbriar Latin name: Smilax bona-nox Family: Smilacaceae (Greenbrier Family) Medicinal use of Greenbriar: The root is diuretic. The black greenbrier berries develop in loose bunches in the fall and persist through the winter, I have seen them stay on the vine all the way into march. Greenbrier is a visually unassuming plant especially when it’s mixed in with other prickery vines and shrubs such as Most literature highlights the use of the roots as a starchy substance that can be added to foods.

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