Read on for information on the card's stats, effects, and our rating of the card's usefulness.You can save a comment for later by giving it a Like.Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition Guide & Walkthrough WikiPokemon Mystery Dungeon DX Switch Guide & Walkthrough WikiThe Witcher® is a trademark of CD PROJEKT S. A. Consider using this card if you have few other options of cards serving the same strategic purpose. Wall of text, paragraphs would help with the reading.Grave hag isn't even an auto include in consume tbh. Watch your card advantage when playing against consume that is all.The harpy eggs are fine too damn that change coming next week my Guardian needs that deathwish harpy!I really don't buy half the comments in this thread saying GH is fine, because it really isn't, giving it a 2 turn timer wouldn't be the end of the world and would give a much needed counter play, yes i would be weaker simply for the fact that the oponnent would actually be able to do something to it(how is this a bad thing is beyond me) and it would still require the oponnent to have the ability and thought to hold the answer card for it, often would be a lock.Despite what people think a 2 turn gravehag would still see play because it's still a huge swing.nope, 2 turn gravehag will be unplayable, because even now playing around her is relatively easy for skilled players.New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castA subreddit dedicated to Gwent: The Witcher Card Game. On rare occasions hunger-driven grave hags will hunt during the day. I'm holding a Thunder or Archer to snipe the thing round 3, but instead I'm staring at a board of Vran Warriors, Nekkars, and a massive Unseen Elder. The Witcher game is based on the prose of Andrzej Sapkowski. On the next turn, place an Arbalest card and deal damage to one of the Rotfiends. All rights reserved. Don't worry much. That's the neat thing about consume, they have a solid mix-up game for their end game stratagem.The only time Grave Hag pisses me off is when she's pulled by Marching Orders and that Lacerate you've been saving for the last two rounds suddenly becomes I recently played a mirror consume and used MO to pull GH as my Grave Hag requires a lot of setup to use properly.
It is very foreseeable and you can play around it. It can be countered by any reasonable control deck, and vs tempo decks, you should have the opportunity to shut it down OR at least match it with something of yours.A very similar card is Joachim. See the locations for all Places of Power here:This guide explains how to get the Grave Hag Gwent Card in the game The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. More frequently it is found in Consume decks, however it does sometimes see play outside of that due to the prevalence of Harpies these days, spawning quite a few additional bodies to consume.Honestly, I don't even see GH as an autoinclude outside of consume. We already know that Celeano Harpy eggs and Arachas Behemoths will be producing their own tokens instead of bronze card units and all tokens in Gwent are doomed. We already know that Celeano Harpy eggs and Arachas Behemoths will be producing their own tokens instead of bronze card units and all tokens in Gwent are doomed. If you prevent them spamming Arachasae everywhere, Grave Hag is mediocre at best.first off, 15 points is an extremel low value for Gravehag. Grave hags feed on human corpses and in particular on the rotten marrow which they slurp from human bones using theire long, prehensile tongues. All other copyrights and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Game8 - Your Go-To Platform For All Game Walkthroughs and Strategy GuidesIn order for us to make the best articles possible, share your corrections, opinions, and thoughts about When reporting a problem, please be as specific as possible in providing details such as what conditions the problem occurred under and what kind of effects it had.We could not find the message board you were looking for. The better consume lists are the ones that are rarely seen on ladder but they don't run grave hag.

Card Information. Jump to: navigation, search. average would be around 20-25. honestly the card text should just read "if you play this when youre opponent has no cards in hand, win the game" because thats the outcome 99% of the time if those conditions are met.How about making Grave Hag tick before Villentretenmerth goes off? Grave Hag will be nerfed indirectly next patch.
While Grave Hag serves its purpose in the game of Gwent, we wouldn't recommend actively seeking it out to add it to your deck. Early Lacerate to wipe Vran targets, locks, weather and direct damage to deal with their Behemoths. Grave Hag (gwent card) From Witcher Wiki.

Alternatively she could do her ability in 2 steps,something like: After 1 turn at the begining of turn consume all units in your graveyard and then gain 1 armor per each , at the begining of next turn convert armor to strength. That will severely limit Grave Hag power so I assume that on contrary she (or it) will require a buff. Grave Hag Their long tongues're for slurping marrow – and whipping prey.

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