Godalming Junior School is committed to the safeguarding of all its learners, staff and visitors. Busbridge and Godalming College; Frith Hill and Charterhouse; Aaron’s Hill; Connections. Leaving school in 2021 - see our Open Day resourcesWhat do the students say! Bodeites was originally Buissonites, named after the Head of Languages at the time.
Uniform is provided through Clova of Haslemere, who run an onsite school shop every Tuesday and Wednesday from 2.30 - 4.30pm and at published times during holiday periods. GingerGM 4 Mill Lane . Their uniform consists of a pink and white striped shirt, or a blue and white striped shirt, a black blazer, black skirt, and/or black trousers, a house pin (or tie) to signify which House they belong to, and black leather shoes.Whether in Under or Upper School, any pupil who has been awarded his House or School 'Colours' for sport or culture, may wear his 'Colours' tie in place of his house tie. Relationships between pupils and staff are excellent.
Although it felt foreign at first, Chetwynd is a second home to me and I have made friendships that will last for years after I leave Charterhouse. There was a 100% pass rate in all BTEC subjects Godalming College has an inspiring and vibrant environment for young people to enjoy their learning. this is a thing.
The house moved into the old Great Comp building, now renovated. They are as follows: Technically the “old” houses plus Girdlestoneites are known as “block” houses, due to their location in the main 1870s block of buildings. Happy #InternationalWomensDay Let's celebrate the fabulous achievements of women, while collectively we forge a more gender-balanced world for #IWD2019 and beyond #BalanceforBetter Pupils' social development is outstanding.
What age are students at Godalming College? Pupils in Under School wear a weekday uniform consisting of a white or blue shirt, house tie, grey trousers, blue jumper, tweed jacket and leather shoes. Verites is a contraction of Oliverites (Oliver Walford, School Usher 1838–55) and hence 'Verites' is pronounced as if the 'Ver' is from Oliver not as from 'very'. Artobot Upstairs at the Pepperpot . However, when the school first moved to Godalming even this was not built, and the pupils walked the 2 miles to Shackleford Church. The Under School consists of the first three years of attendance at Charterhouse, being the Fourth Form, the Removes and the Fifth Form (GCSE year). Welcome to Milford School I am delighted to welcome you to our website. On St. Andrews Day pupils are permitted to wear traditional Scottish dress including a 'The 50 Mile Walk' is an annual event for the 1st Year specialists held at the end of CQ.
There are now the original four 'old' houses plus ten 'new' houses (currently three girls' houses), making fourteen boarding houses in total. Throwback to the summer party we hosted earlier this year! We believe that the school uniform is an important way of re-enforcing the sense of school community and it is our expectation that all students will follow our uniform code. For further on this, please see below, under "School Honours". It is held on day preceding the Founder's Day is celebrated every year to commemorate the founding of the school and to thank the founder and benefactor Thomas Sutton.
Girdlestonites has therefore been unofficially known as 'Duckites' ever since, but since this was 'insulting' slang it was never written down or used officially. godalmingCC 2019-03-29T22:12:56+00:00. As was tradition, scholars wore gowns with their uniform and were treated as superior to other boys. These halls of residence are more modern than the 'new' Houses. Next Monday, on the 2nd of July, make sure you don't miss the fun activities and food available on the piazza. With the advent of full co-education, girls have their own houses which are developing their own identities. DK Music Academy 140 High Street . In addition to the main school buildings (designed by architect As pupil numbers grew, other houses were built alongside the approach road, now known as Charterhouse Hill. The Headmaster's Essay Society, also known as the 'House Apostles' is a historical society of twelve Carthusians deemed to be the most intellectual in the school. In December 2012 Charterhouse was reported to be the fifth most expensive for boarding pupils.In November 2005, the school was one of fifty of the country's leading independent schools which were found guilty of running an illegal price-fixing In September 2015, it was reported that the school had seen a "revolt" against Richard Pleming, the headmaster, from pupils and parents who accused him of using "draconian methods".Protests from the local community were triggered by a plan to sell off playing fields in 2018,In March 2012, it was reported that a 16-year-old had filmed fellow pupils while they showered, and stored the images on his laptop.
We achieve exceptional exam results, we have first class modern facilities.In 2019 the A level pass rate was 99.3% and the A*-C rate was 85.5% with 715 grades awarded at A or A*. The curriculum is enriched by an outstanding range of activities'.The 2017 ISI Educational Quality Inspection Report noted that ‘Pupils' academic and other achievements are high and often exceptional. A History of Football, Secker and Warburg, London 1954, page 150 Welcome to Rodborough. Godalming College + News & Events Letters Home Calendar Newsletters 2018-19 ... We believe that the school uniform is an important way of re-enforcing the sense of school community and it is our expectation that all students will follow our uniform code. There’s a costume competition at break and fandom Kahoot at lunch. Outdoor learning PreSchool with Forest School sessions. It is the most exclusive club to get into at Charterhouse. Thanks to everyone who donated This latter restriction has now largely fallen by the wayside and even the school magazine uses All new Houses apart from Bodeites are named after their founders (although Robinites was originally Robinsonites). The Helpful Gem Elstead . The day consists of 'clearing up' in houses before 'Founders Feast', a large feast for the whole school where St. Andrew's Day is celebrated by an annual ball hosted by the historical 'Scottish Dancing society.
TheDomDom . Meeting with future SU candidates talking about upcoming events and other secret stuff ✨
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