Summary notes, revision videos and past exam questions by topic for Edexcel GCSE Physics Topic 14 - Particle Model Maths Genie is a free GCSE and A Level revision site. Revision by Topic Worksheets, past exam paper questions, including some worked examples - all split into Numeracy and Maths and by tier These topic lists are taken from the AQA 8300 spec and re-written in language that, hopefully, students can fully understand. Square We are currently in the making of GCSE revision resources, including revision guide, exam questions, printable flashcards and much more. Before you read anymore on this blog I want to make clear I am not advocating quick fixes and students must graft and apply themselves to gain success at GCSE.My first real foray into blogging was to attempt to look at topic trends in content coverage in the final exams and seeing if I could spot any trends. GCSE Higher Edexcel Graded Questions. FlashRevise is a new revision resource company. The topics below are the areas which are in general the lowest scoring ones.Hope the analysis helps you support the run into the exams or possibly some other curriculum choices.If you want to read more of my ramblings (more classroom based) my other maths blogs are GCSE Foundation Edexcel Graded Questions. What I can do is create opportunities for key topic areas to be repeatedly retrieved and practiced. I wish I could see into the future and tell them actually what’s on the paper but students need to be good mathematicians and flexible in applying their knowledge and skills in different contexts. This page has revision notes, videos and past exam questions arranged by topic. So the data that I am about to share encompasses a total of 36 papers, 18 from each exam boards. As June and November 2019 is not available openly I have left the specific data off for this sitting but it is included in the overall averages.As I’d collected the data thought it would be interesting to see what the balance of 240 marks would be for the 6 main areas. The subject content of this specification matches that set out in the Department for Education’s Mathematics GCSE subject content and assessment objectives document. Top 10 GCSE maths topics that students struggle with At MyTutor we work with 300+ schools to reinforce classroom learning through one-to-one tuition. London WC1R 4HQ. GCSE Maths Past Papers By Topic. GCSE Maths revision looking at Numbers covering Decimals, Fractions, Directed Numbers, Matrices, Number Sequences, Surds, Percentages and Standard Form. Naturally once I had produced this I wanted to break it down into specific topic areas to see which areas students generally were more successful in.After teaching for more than ten years I think I would have guessed a few of the top 10 topics but some were surprising to me. Our products are very affordable,but just as great. Personally Bearings and Scale Drawing was the biggest shock.
The content has been organised into broad topic areas and given a reference as follows: Number references start with N
The Higher one lists all topics on the spec, with the Higher topics in bold, the Foundation one lists all the Foundation topics only. There is nothing to stop exam boards changing at each sitting and you can see the variety of marks over each sitting. If a student doesn’t quite grasp a topic taught in a large class of mixed-ability students, they can go over it at their own pace with their tutor. With student preparing for MocksI always get this question from students – “What should I revise?” or “Whats going to be on the mock?”. I have looked at the national average score on AQA foundation and cross referenced this with the main area of maths being covered. This content is common to all exam boards. Which areas carry more weight to the overall grade?Number, on average, carries 30% of the overall marks. Money questions I know I don’t cover enough plus Charts and Tables being the most popular was a shock!We are planning to create more GCSE Maths revision resources this year on the site and wanted this to be more informed so it will be anchored in this analysis.Before much more is read into this area it is very important to emphasise that the structure and style (AO1, 2 or 3) has significant impact on the success rate of a question. Borderline D-C Past Paper Questions. Each year my answer is the same, particularly with the new GCSE, that you need to understand all the topic areas well.
NOTE: This topic list is specifically made for Foundation Tier students only.If you are higher tier, please check out our Higher Tier Topic List. Go FlashRevise!This website and its content is subject to our Terms and But it important to state that this does vary between sittings and the specifications do state their percentage topic area coverage as a range of values so it will never be specific.The topic breakdown is more interesting for me as a class teacher as I cannot really teach them ‘number’.
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