Between year 7 and year 11, there are two sessions of sport each week, while only one for the sixth form. The Frensham Heights Junior School provides a uniquely child-centred education that embodies the refreshingly progressive values of the wider school – values such as respect, tolerance, cooperation and equality.

In the The school now has a fully functioning music centre including the Sixth Form Centre. Registered Charity: 312052. Head’s Tour of Frensham.

How the world's oldest clove tree defied an empire Staff either ran 2.6 miles, cycled for 26 minutes or covered 26 miles. The school was founded by Edith Douglas-Hamilton and established under joint headmistresses, Based at a mock-Tudor mansion, built by the brewer The current head is Rick Clarke, who replaced the previous head, Andrew Fisher, in 2019. We were so fortunate to hear his story and how his belief in...If you have not booked tickets yet to see the school production of George Orwell’s ‘1984’, then please do so before they are all booked out. Frensham Heights is resolutely non-denominational, refuses discrimination on grounds of race or religion and welcomes pupils from all faiths. I want to congratulate all the performers- it was a delight from start to finish. Frensham Heights is allowing a girl who is questioning their gender to sleep in the boys' wing at the school. We are pleased to announce that we were awarded an Ofsted Grade 2 Good for our holiday provision at Frensham Heights School following an inspection in Summer 2018! This shows whether a pupil's family have claimed eligibility for free school meals as reported in the annual spring school census.

The idea of individuality is also encouraged so that an individual's talents and personality are developed. This does not show pupils who actually received free school meals but those who are eligible to receive them. It was an opportunity for me, one year in, to speak to staff about how excited...A massive highlight of last term was a visit from Joshua Coombes who founded the movement #dosomethingfornothing. Frensham’s ATAR median (tertiary entry rank) of 87.2, speaks loudly of the aspirational efforts of senior students and their teachers. Frensham Heights is often seen as a liberal school. OFSTED NUMBER: EY242574 BOOK NOW. By Frensham Heights community, News, school We have had a very busy week of entrance assessments for entry to Year 7, 9 and 10. on Saturday 29 August 2020 Tour Session commencing at 2.30pm is now available (First Session at 1.00pm is fully subscribed) This is an opportunity to introduce your family and daughter to Frensham… [[[["field18","equal_to","1"]],[["show_fields","field19,field22,field37"],[]],"and"],[[["field18","equal_to","2"]],[["show_fields","field19,field23,field22,field37,field38"]],"and"],[[["field18","equal_to","3"]],[["show_fields","field19,field23,field25,field22,field37,field38,field39"]],"and"],[[["field18","equal_to","4"]],[["show_fields","field19,field23,field25,field28,field22,field37,field38,field39,field40"]],"and"],[[["field18","equal_to","5"]],[["show_fields","field19,field23,field25,field28,field29,field22,field37,field38,field39,field40,field41"],[]],"and"],[[["field34","contains","Print"]],[["show_fields","field35"]],"and"],[[["field34","contains","Digital"]],[["redirect_to",null,"https:\/\/\/digital-prospectus\/"]],"and"]]Dear Parents I have decided this week to write to you, rather than create a video, just for a change. Sian, Emma and I have thoroughly enjoyed interviewing all the candidates, discussing...New term, new beginnings. Frensham Heights is a highly distinctive independent day & boarding school. A great effort...The Big Spin Challenge! [[[["field18","equal_to","1"]],[["show_fields","field19,field22,field37"],[]],"and"],[[["field18","equal_to","2"]],[["show_fields","field19,field23,field22,field37,field38"]],"and"],[[["field18","equal_to","3"]],[["show_fields","field19,field23,field25,field22,field37,field38,field39"]],"and"],[[["field18","equal_to","4"]],[["show_fields","field19,field23,field25,field28,field22,field37,field38,field39,field40"]],"and"],[[["field18","equal_to","5"]],[["show_fields","field19,field23,field25,field28,field29,field22,field37,field38,field39,field40,field41"],[]],"and"],[[["field34","contains","Print"]],[["show_fields","field35"]],"and"],[[["field34","contains","Digital"]],[["redirect_to",null,"https:\/\/\/digital-prospectus\/"]],"and"]]To keep us a bit more connected while we're all working remotely, Rick will be videoing his messages. Sian, Emma and I have thoroughly enjoyed … You will be able to see around the school, hear from staff and chat in live panels. Please...We have had a very busy week of entrance assessments for entry to Year 7, 9 and 10.

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