But Frensham allows you to explore yourself as you're growing up and I quickly realised that music was not what I wanted to pursue. We are looking for people who will be supportive and work in a team environment. We face some significant challenges in the future - automation being one of them. With a spectacular backdrop of the Surrey Hills, Frensham Heights offers a truly picturesque and flexible location for you to create your own magical day. The Boarding House includes four, self- contained staff accommodation houses.

I think maybe at a different school that wouldn't be allowed.Young people feel crushing pressure to conform and perform. Between year 7 and year 11, there are two sessions of sport each week, while only one for the sixth form. The school runs regular Outdoor Education trips to places such as a climbing trip to Dartmoor and to Harrison's Rocks in Kent. You learn to be resilient and that if there's something you really want, you have to work to get it.

We want to face the challenges by encouraging our students to think, understand and ask the right questions. We believe children should be children for as long as possible. But when it comes to the normal childhood mistakes, we don't shout or humiliate - we support, challenge, inspire, guide and we teach them to be tolerant and kind.I came to Frensham and made friends within a week and the relationship with the teachers was the most unique thing I have ever really experienced. Our goal is for students to be fit and healthy. The heart of Frensham, the ethos if you like, has remained constant for over 90 years.The relationship between teachers and students is very well built for both creative and academic subjects. Prior to becoming headmaster of Frensham Heights, Clarke was deputy head at Warminster. Instead of a means to encourage competition and as a divisive force, the role of Houses at Frensham is to act as a socialising force once a term as each year group (7–8, 9–10, 11–13) plays a variety of House matches in a sport (football, basketball, netball or hockey). Creative industries are those that are going to be most difficult to replace, to substitute with a robot.We welcome boarders from Year 7 upwards and offer full, weekly and, where space allows, flexi boarding. The building has been designed around a low energy criteria. It was founded in 1925 and formed as part of the movement for progressive education.

Prior to year 11, students partake in sports including rugby, basketball, hockey and football and athletics, rounders and swimming in the summer term but have no choice in which the activity occurs. That year had a small group of creatively-driven students who were not going to follow the traditional student pathway from school to university. We will guide them of course, but it's important that they feel in control. I would say it's a school for everyone but it's particularly a school for people who want to see a well rounded child, confident in their own skin and their own mind.Our youngest students from the nursery onwards are valued and valuable members of the school community.

It's much easier to put children in a carefully constructed box and do everything for them but that isn't how the real world works.At Frensham, we talk about cooperation rather than coercion.

Although not being renowned for its sport, the under 16 boys' football team has reached the quarter final of the ISFA cup, a national trophy for small independent schools. Different from sport in that it does not stress athletic qualities, instead it encourages teamwork, co-operation, individual courage and leadership, ideals which reflect the school's ethos.

This creates a rich and engaging relationship that doesn't require anger or making children feel like they're not of value. Frensham Heights School is an independent school and sixth form college located in Farnham, Surrey, England, run by the registered charity, Frensham Heights Educational Trust Ltd.

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