An outright ban therefore will be required to end this rural vandalism.Irish agriculture is reeling under the impact of events and activities that undermine its morale and viability. "Every lamb costs money but the hunts don't care. They fail to legislate against foxhunting while horses, packs of hounds, and hunt followers (some riding quads) are rampaging across the countryside, wreaking havoc on legitimate farm enterprises as they knock fences, scatter livestock, churn up fields of crops and destroy productive farmland in the middle of winter?Fox hunting displays a callous disregard for binding EU requirements and good farming practice. Even the new IFA help line Solicitor James Stains runs with and defended the Kilkenny Hunt even in court, against two IFA members, the Daniels, what a laugh. The Farmers Against Fox-hunting and Trespass group said it believed hunting should be banned. This assault is only one of a long list of intimidation, bullying and damage to their persons and their farming by the Kilkenny Hunt and their supporters, for which the Daniels have never been paid. Norman and Hubert Daniels of Tullaroan, County Kilkenny have the gratitude of their neighbors,  and commercial farmers nationwide  .They have to be admired for their courage and determination, as they driven to desperation owing to the constant verbal abuse and damage to their farm property over the years . This kind of Wanton Vandalism has to stop.Hence, the decision taken by members of Farmers Against Foxhunting that in Future, ALL Hunt clubs will have to carry Written and Signed Permission from the Farmer on whose land the are found.NO PERMISSION MEANS JUST THAT… NO ADMISSION TO THE FARM BY FOXHUNTS. Another paper, published in Science, interviewed a random sample of several hundred farmers, gamekeepers, foresters, …

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Drag hunting could replace it, enabling an artificial scent to be laid so as to avoid farmland and all lands declared off limits to hunting.

FAFT would make the point that many other farmers around the country have similar concerns, and indeed have had extremely negative experiences involving foxhunts. Visit the UK’s leading indoor agricultural event, with eleven packed halls of the very latest in agricultural machinery and equipment. ... Fox hunters chase foxes for pleasure and not because they want to help farmers.

He has to avail of the latest electric fencing and numerous other expensive modern aids to prevent animals from straying onto roads that are busier now than at any time in history.
He cannot leave land exposed in winter- fallow or poached. The fact that they wear fancy costumes does not alter this legal reality.

Our members will resist with all the legal means at our disposal any and all attempts by hunts to encroach on farm property.This at a time so many horses in the country are neglected or abandoned, the often emaciated creatures having to be rescued from the direst conditions by animal rescue groups, with no ID Tags to trace the owners. To this day he has not been compensated for his lossThe scandal and injustice of hunt trespass has to be face up to once and for all. We have enough challenges facing us without the hunt “cavalry” visiting mayhem on our lives and legitimate enterprises. This is the background to the plight of the two farmers who found themselves in court in the defamation suit against the Kilkenny Hunt official. And that is why many farmers have traditionally allowed and welcomed the hunt onto their land. Norman and Hubert Daniels of Tullaroan, County Kilkenny have the gratitude of their neighbours, and commercial farmers nationwide. He has to keep his hedges stock proof.

"They come twice a year and kill two or three foxes when there are hundreds of foxes on the land," he added.Janice Watt of the League Against Cruel Sports said: "It is clear from the meeting that many farmers are frustrated by the way the hunts are acting.

The fact that they wear fancy costumes does not alter this legal reality.Let’s stamp out hunt-related crime. Best by a country mile: Loved-up Lisa McHugh's mystery fiance revealed It is rightly banned in the UK, a country that relies far less on agriculture than we do.

VM221 - Hunting Act 2004 Motion If you're against fox hunting but not a vegetarian you are a hypocrite B818 - Hunting Act Repeal Bill 2015 Would you Date a Girl who Supported Fox Hunting? FAFT sees this behaviour not just in terms of trespass and damage caused: We also regard it as a form of bullying. Farmers have had some good news too: Recently two Kilkenny farmers, after years of being bullied by foxhunters, were awarded Eur30,500 in damages against a hunt official in Kilkenny Circuit Court. They could make that change at any time. Extensive damage is caused every year by hunts trespassing on land and wreaking havoc in their pursuit of foxes.

This assault is only one of a long list of intimidation, bullying and damage to their persons and their farming by the Kilkenny Hunt and their supporters, for which the Daniels have never been paid. The huge bill for their disposal is passed on to the taxpayer. Jolyon Maugham is a lefty hypocrite!
This initiative aims to raise awareness of the diverse career opportunities available in the sector to non-farming audiences. Outside the court he was surrounded and supported by prominent members of the Kilkenny Hunt, for all to see. This is to be seen on the video. Who was it that destroyed a field of silage with a harrow and stole their gates last Summer? Just because something is legal does not mean it is right.Let 2014 be the year we finally wake up to the realities of animal cruelty and what it means to us as a society.Access to farmland will only be by Written and Signed Permission from the Farmer/Land Owner.

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