This series of quests pretty much serves as a revamped tutorial for the game, with a few relatively short and easy quests, as well as holotapes about building your CAMP.

Unlike the rest of the DLC, these two trophies can be done at any level. Once you do, you will unlock The New Fort Knox Achievement.The next achievement you can get on Fallout 76 Wastelanders is “A Solid Foundation.” You can unlock this by making allies out of the Foundation.To unlock the “Wayward Child” you need to complete the “The Elusive Crane” quest in Fallout 76 Wastelanders.To unlock this achievement you need to be allied with the Crater. If you sided with the raiders, then Johnny will try to kill you for the gold, so you will have to fight him. Wastelanders is finally here, the largest expansion yet for Fallout 76. If you sided with the settlers, no betrayal will happen. If you already have two characters that are at least level 20, you can probably finish the DLC in under 40 hours, with a lot of that being logging in for a few minutes each day to do daily faction quests. Fallout 76 DLC Trophies Full list of all 61 Fallout 76 trophies - 41 bronze, 18 silver, 1 gold and 1 platinum. The expansion adds in a ton of new content, the most notable being human NPCs, dialogue trees, a revamped tutorial segment, and SPECIAL checks. If you need more help with the game check out the An avid fan of the stealth-shooter genre, Jake is Respawnfirst's co-founder and Lead News Editor with over 5-years of experience.
Once the gold is dealt with, the main questline will end. Once you have completed the main quest, regardless of who you side with, you can begin working on this trophy. This trophy is unlocked upon completion of the "Wayward" questline. Beckett was a former raider that eventually got addicted to chems, leading to being enslaved and nearly executed by the Blood Eagles. This trophy is earned by completing her entire questline.

Xbox One players can earn 255 Game Score and in this guide, we will explain how to earn all 10 of the achievements that come with the Fallout 76 Wastelanders DLC.This is an easy one, all you need to do is get your hands on 1500 Gold Bullion. Stage 1: Introductory Trophies Your first objective will be to meet the Overseer and complete the Wayward Bar questline, which effectively serves as the new tutorial. Sofia is the first of two new "companions" added to Fallout 76 with the Wastelanders expansion. Twenty-five years after the bombs fell, you and your fellow Vault Dwellers – chosen from the nation’s best and brightest – emerge into post-nuclear war America. Unfortunately, many of the glitches and problems remain, as does the trophy grind... The agents will offer to trade you the gold for some high-end schematics and items, or let you keep it. Friends in Low Places. She was an astronaut placed in long term hibernation aboard a space ship before the Great War, as part of an experiment. After numerous delays, Fallout 76's biggest update has finally released, bringing human NPCs and dialogue trees back to the series. Regardless of your choice, speak with Beckett again, then return to your CAMP and speak with him one more time to complete the quest and unlock the trophy. You can do so by completed related missions.To unlock “Go for the Gold” you need to complete the “Buried Treasure” mission. Beckett will arrive, and upon realizing the identity of The Claw, you can either convince Beckett to talk him down or kill him. This trophy will be unlocked upon completion of the last mission of the Raiders' questline, "Your team will encounter the remaining US Secret Service Agents guarding the gold reserves. Cautious has a reputation value of -1000, neutral is 0, cooperative is 1000, friendly is 3000, neighborly is 6000, and ally is In order to get this trophy, you will need to max out your faction reputation with the Raiders at the Crater. If you are just now starting the game for your first time, you're probably looking at a minimum of 60 hours to get two characters to level 20, finish the DLC questline twice, and grinding daily faction quests.Once those 12 quests are complete, you will begin Beckett's final quest After killing all the raiders in that room, progress towards the marker to locate The Claw, your primary target. There are also a number of new weapons, armor, locations, plans, etc, but the main focus is on the new storyline. Speak with Digger, who has turned into a ghoul, to learn what to do next. This trophy will be unlocked upon completion of the final mission of the Settler's questline, " You will also get a good three star legendary .50 cal machine gun.Reputation works on a point system. Step 1: Obtain a Nuclear Keycard. Once you do, the achievement will be unlocked.An easy one here, gain 300 Gold Bullion to get this achievement in Fallout 76 Wastelanders DLC.Complete Beckett’s Story and you’ll unlock this achievement.To unlock this achievement you need to complete “All That Glitters.”You need to find the location of the Overseer to unlock this achievement.That’s the end of our Fallout 76 Wastelanders Achievements guide. Canonically set a year after Reclamation Day, a number of humans have returned to Appalachia to seek a rumored treasure. In order to get this trophy, you will need to max out your faction reputation with the Settlers at Foundation. All you will have to do is fight/sneak past a few ghouls to a button that will ventilate the reactor chamber.

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