Aprenda a tocar a cifra de Thinking 'Bout You (Dua Lipa) no Cifra Club. Read or print original Thinking 'Bout You lyrics 2020 updated! Dua Lipa - Thinking 'Bout You (Letras y canción para escuchar) - 3am and my neighbours hate me / Music blasting shaking these walls / This time Mary Jane won't save me / I've been working later / I've been drinking stronger. You can ignore the high E snare while playing the chords. Dua Lipa - Thinking 'Bout You (Letra e música para ouvir) - 3am and my neighbours hate me / Music blasting shaking these walls / This time Mary Jane won't save me / I've been working later / I've been drinking stronger. High E only gets played in between chords while playing along. 3am and my neighbours hate me / Music blasting shaking these walls / This time Mary Jane won't save me / I've been working later / I've been drinking stronger / I've been. Great song. [Verse 1] / 3 A.M. and my neighbors hate me / Music blasting, shaking Lots jazz chords. Thinking 'Bout You Letra: [Verse 1], 3 A.M. and my neighbors hate me, Music blasting, shaking these walls, This time Mary Jane won't save me, I've been working later, I've been drinking stronger, I've been smoking deeper but the memories won't stop. Also, there are two variations of Am7(both are essentially the same) but you can hear a small variation in the chord when it gets played. I can't stop thinking 'bout you I can't get high, I can't get by, I can't get through I can't stop thinking 'bout you I want you all Say it before you run out of time I want you all Say it before it's too late I want you all Say what I am feeling now I want you all Waiting is insane I can't stop thinking 'bout you I can't stop thinking …
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