Township maps show the locations and setbacks for each of the areas.Local township clerks have lists of the property tax identification numbers available at the time of the high risk erosion area designation. 1 0 EGLE Action - Expediting Permits

From Staff Reports.

For homes or structures that are in danger, EGLE will be expediting permits for shoreline protection. Published 1:55 pm EDT, ... prioritize response activities based on the risk to public health and safety; and find appropriate solutions that protect people and the environment. EGLE to expedite shoreline erosion permits for homes threatened by high lake levels. Sand Dunes. 1 0 EGLE Action - Expediting Permits News Release . We are prioritizing response activities based on the risk to public health and safety; and finding appropriate solutions that protect people and the environment. %�쏢 The purpose of the High Risk Erosion Area program is to prevent structural property loss in an area of the shoreland that is determined by the department, on the basis of studies and surveys, to be subject to erosion as required by Part 323 of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, 1994 PA 451 as amended (NREPA) and the corresponding Administrative Rules. Nick Assendelft, EGLE Public Information Officer,, 517-388-3135. High Risk Erosion Areas and Critical Dune Areas version 1.19 (Submission #: HNZ-H9PX-7PJ5A, version 1) Details Form Alias Digital EGLE/USACE Joint Permit Application (JPA) for Inland Lakes and Streams, Great Lakes, Wetlands, Floodplains, Dams, Environmental Areas, High Risk Erosion Areas and Critical Dune Areas Submission # HNZ-H9PX-7PJ5A Submission Reason New Status Submitted Fee $50.00 … Land that floods regularly (inundated at least 1 year in 3) must be regarded as being at high risk of erosion and runoff (even at less than 2° slope). We are prioritizing response activities based on the risk to public health and safety; and finding appropriate solutions that protect people and the environment. In cases where homes or infrastructure are at risk, permits can be issued in a matter of days. With Great Lakes water levels at historic highs, and facing the possibility of further increases, Gov. Department of Environment, Great Lakes & Energy - Sand Dunes . Michigan EGLE Great Lakes Shoreline Erosion fact sheet • High-risk erosion areas such as coastal sand dunes are areas designated by the state that have additional building and development restrictions. x��]�^Uu��@n�< DBs���ܓ��{;�����H�T��x���i���mժ#��B;UD+��UQDԪ�Q����NZ����T������O�I.18��!�s�c���c}{}�ϥUSY5�o&֏]:&LSY �Y?�C�ױ,H��v�S� c��/[ӾѾ�� Outputs were used to create a land cover classification and map coastal risk hazards on the Upper Peninsula’s Lake Superior shoreline, Michigan’s east shoreline of Lake Michigan, and a 50-mile stretch of Lake Huron.

In Michigan, there are about 225,000 acres of sand dunes. A permit is required from the EGLE for construction of all roofed structures and septic systems within the High Risk Erosion area. �s٪�է��p���@۾V�uV��3��-��UB��V�VC��BTR4�ԕӶv�b������Em��v�!T�����CUk�� ׄ�ӆ�n��à����fp�p\Ս��BA�L;8b(m-��E+ӆM휳JamS��I;�x�P�RgӇ�VA58��\|�p��LЪ�u�P�3�턪�����) YaCY�Usf����~fǡ���C1��"��*�/ Onsite evaluations of properties within High Risk Erosion areas are necessary to determine the current location of these setbacks. The purpose of the High Risk Erosion Area program is to prevent structural property loss in an area of the shoreland that is determined by the department, on the basis of studies and surveys, to be subject to erosion as required by The high risk erosion area program increases consumer awareness of the danger of shore erosion and allows staff to provide advice and technical assistance to many citizens living with the dynamic Great Lakes shorelines. For homes or structures that are in danger, EGLE will be expediting permits for shoreline protection. These areas are the tallest, most spectacular dunes along Lake Michigan and Lake Superior.High Risk Erosion areas are those shorelands of the Great Lakes and where recession of active erosion has been occurring at a long-term average rate of one foot or more per year. The shorelands of the Great Lakes are a dynamic and quickly changing environment.

by Alan Vicstein | Oct 31, 2019. Great Lakes Shorelands and High Risk Areas.

Great Lakes Submerged Lands.

High water levels, storms, wind, ground water seepage, surface water runoff, and frost are important factors causing erosion.Properties located in the Critical Dune area require a permit from the EGLE for almost all activities. Some existing site conditions can make obtaining an EGLE permit difficult.We recommend a preliminary site evaluation of properties within the Critical Dune area to determine the feasibility of a proposed project.A permit is required from the EGLE for construction of all roofed structures and septic systems within the High Risk Erosion area. EGLE is working to help shoreline property owners protect property threatened by the erosion resulting from high lake levels. Engaging EGLE on Great Lakes Shoreline Erosion (recorded 11/12/19, 69 min) Due to higher water levels in the Great Lakes, Michigan’s shoreline communities and residents are experiencing an increase in shoreline erosion. The setback locations dictate the permittable location of a home and septic system and if there are any restrictions on the design of the home or addition to an existing home.©2019 by Peterson Environmental. The Currently approximately 250 miles of shoreline are designated as high risk erosion areas along the shorelines of Lakes Michigan, Superior and Huron.

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