Some guy didn’t know how to start a coffee shop, so it is a bad idea? "We sent back a polite letter telling him that it didn't fit our investment parameters." Ever have an idea for a new product or service enter your mind and quickly dismiss it, thinking it’s a dumb idea? Be innovative! Things are getting retarded. Oh, yes – of course – each t-shirt could have a targeted ad, which is where I would make all my money.I agree that many of these ideas are destined to fail, but that doesn’t make them stupid ideas. When you do the math you realize they are making over $100k a month, and this is just one of their 10+ blogs. that would draw people with its ease of use and good looks.Long story short, after a LONG development process and a lot of money out the window, we finally launched. they underestimate the difficulty of the problem. When in fact the poster is talking about college students whom are trying to start such businesses. Some online bookstores work (amazon), most don’t. Do you live on another planet?What a great list. Am I the only one that realizes this is applied to ALL types of business, not just “frat” ideas? You have to create a buzz… and you have to have some reoccuring value, or its, as you stated, a failure.But what happens when a frat boy doesn’t follow through with one of these ideas but someone with intelligence and a plan does?

© 2018 A lot of the businesses mentioned in the list just isn’t gonna cut it anymore in the future, so we need to step our game up.If everybody thinks this way there would be no Google, since the search market was already dominated by Yahoo, Altavista, Hotbot, AOL and others. An entrepreneurial spirit is great and all, but combined with a defiance to logic, it can lead to some of the stupidest creations ever. Well these guys definitely should have. But yes, most t-shirt companies will fail because they’re boring, mediocre, with no purpose or passion.As I keep saying to an old school mate ‘ You can start a business with a couple a £’s’The guy at meshplex makes alot of money im sure. After all, Barnum’s Law has not been repealed.Every idea is a good idea. In the end, few ideas actually get funded, many get denied and others are just so laughable that they merit their own story. As another respondent mentioned the main reason numerous businesses fail is that people want to “make a difference” but fail to create something new and if they finally do, they usually fail in marketing. Some classified sites work (ebay), most dont… and not to mention the number of clothing lines out there that are bringing in enormous revenues. and provide what the users want instead. Is it possible that a previous student may have considered the same idea? But it seems counter-intuitive. The websites have to have a reason for people to go there, and a reason for them to click on the ads, eg price comparison sites for which there is endless competition. Let us face it. The mechanical horse would be aimed at the mass market but could also be used by jockeys in training, according to the business plan. One of venture capitalist Paul Kedrosky's favorite examples of a terrible business idea was one he received for a site for Here are a few other ideas that garnered a "no thanks. Databases of everyone's votes, pictures and a printout. most of the dumb-fratboy-cheap-book things are just flyers on a bulletin board with lots of exclamation points, and i think that’s why they don’t work. It was really just a good project for me to learn how to create a site using CSS and XTHML, but I thought some of the info could be useful.Maybe if people reviewed the sites, and rated them it would seperate the wheat from the chaff.Although, clearly, Amazon, and Half — all the biggies — are the most reliable places to find and sell used books.You seem to have forgotten College Humor clones. Most stock quote data provided by BATS. This has to have been one of the dumbest ideas ever, yet it took off like nobody could have imagined! Here are 12 of the dumbest business ideas of all time, which actually made millions: 1. Second, people talking about Google/Yahoo/whatever as an ad-based business: Google and Yahoo are *search engines. maybe if you had shitty text and clip art on cafe press tee. Having ran a successful online business for the past 6 years I am constantly pitched ideas similar to these, and it’s hard to tell people they won’t work, or to put it better – that it’s not worth my time to work on it.My favorite posts here are the one that say something to the effect of: how can you say book exchanges aren’t a good idea!

Go out and start a coffee shop on campus that exchanges books for funny t-shirts with ads for Netflix of discount card networking.

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