But this was about 10 months ago, and Smash fans still kept up hope. 3.

The "guns can't be in Smash" rule is now broken because of Joker.

The recent interview with Marty Stratton is definitely a hit to Doomguy if anything, but I'm on the "he was possibly under an NDA and had to lie" camp. There's plenty of evidence to suggest that Doom's Slayer is coming to Super Smash Bros.

New York, Id Software executive producer and Doom Eternal director Marty Stratton has revealed that the Doom development team has talked to Nintendo about bringing Doomguy to Smash Bros. “We’ve never been approached and said, ‘Hey, can Doomguy be in Smash Bros.?’ But we’re open-minded if they wanna ask,” he told Metro in a January 2020 interview. Doomguy, the hell-raising US marine and brutal demon-hunter from id Software's iconic Doom franchise, isn't coming to "I don’t even know who talked to who, but we’ve bantered with them," says Stratton. But also questions regarding whether or not the Doom Slayer could eventually come to Super Smash Bros. NY 10036. So we have great people over there but it’s one of those things where it’s like, ‘Wouldn’t it be cool?’ But it’s never gone anywhere serious, so we’ll see. Hashimoto is also the brand manager for Final Fantasy, which is already represented in Smash with Final Fantasy 7′s Cloud. He even ended the interview with, "...so we'll see." Everyone around here is just so good at jumping to conclusions at the first mention of anything to do with Smash and DLC characters. Through accessing the in-game news feed through a browser, one can find that each news post has a different identification number (kinda like the blog post numbers on the Smash Blog, if you remember that).
Edit: I'm not a fan of the character being in Smash either. Nintendo initially blindsided fans with the reveal of Persona 5's Joker before proceeding to knock the socks off of players with confirmation that Banjo-Kazooie will cross over in Smash Ultimate.The long-rumored Hero from Dragon Quest joined the fray along the way too, and now … "We have a great relationship with them through bringing "So we have great people over there but it’s one of those things where it’s like, ‘Wouldn’t it be cool?’ But it’s never gone anywhere serious, so we’ll see. We have a great relationship with them through bringing Doom 2016 to Switch and that kind of stuff. According to Stratton, there have apparently been a few back and forth discussions about the possibility of including the Doom Slayer in Smash… Future US, Inc. 11 West 42nd Street, 15th Floor, As Metro Gaming noted in their interview, Metal Gear Solid creator Hideo Kojima got Solid Snake to appear in Smash after asking Nintendo himself. The "western-oriented character(s) can't be in Smash…

Please refresh the page and try again.GamesRadar+ is part of Future US Inc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. To paraphrase what I said in the Geno thread, his words were dismissive, yeah, but not very conclusive in my eyes. Ultimate next. Doom Eternal game director Marty Stratton says id Software is open to the ideaId Software executive producer and Doom Eternal director Marty Stratton has revealed that the Doom development team has talked to Nintendo about bringing Doomguy to "We’ve had… I don’t even know who talked to who, but we’ve bantered with them. In an interview with Metro, Doom Eternal director Marty Stratton shut down rumors that Doomguy was in the works as playable DLC character for the latest Smash … Nintendo's “Super Smash Bros. Ultimate” has welcomed many popular characters from other franchises in its roster for quite some time now. Stratton's clarification that Nintendo hasn't asked for the rights to use the character also makes it very clear it won't be happening in the next round of Fighters Pass characters.In the last Smash Bros live stream, franchise director Masahiro Sakurai After the disappointing announcement that the next characters to come to the game was Byleth – Judge rules against Idaho's ban on changing transgender birth certificatesThis number shows a stunning reversal in the chances of Main Street's survivalDoom Eternal director shuts down Smash Bros Ultimate rumors – for nowShow full articles without "Continue Reading" button for {0} hours. Metro published an interview with Doom Eternal‘s director Marty Stratton where they asked him a bunch questions about the upcoming DOOM game.. 4. The "Doomguy is too violent argument" is invalid because Bayonetta, Snake, Joker, and technically the Belmonts (Castlevania had six rated M games). "Doomguy won't be on that Smash Bros Ultimate stage in the near future, then.

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