Logan Anthony. Haley Rose. Favorite Answer. My friends having a baby and she wanted to name her halle we just cant think of a cute middle name for her please help!! Haley Brianne. According to BabyCenter, Olivia is a Greek name, meaning “olive tree,” and it was first used by William Shakespeare for a character in his play Twelfth Night.. Both pretty names. 7 years ago. She's going to have to go through high school with a name that means, essentially, "no sex."

Relevance. 18 Answers. You don't often use the first and middle names together anyway. what is a cute middle name for chastity? I need some unique, cute middle names for the name Haley. 10 years ago. Relevance.

23 Answers. 8 years ago. Favourite answer. if the last name starts with a b!!!? Get your answers by asking now. (boy)? But like you I'm not entirely sure Catherine works and Rose is very popular.To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. 15 Answers. None are bad. Jul 31, 2013 - Google Image Result for http://rlv.zcache.com/vintage_travel_santa_catalina_island_postcard-r4c74a02385ff4a5382b74c81ce44966e_vgbaq_8byvr_512.jpg I think it sounds good.How can you call your kid chastity?? Shaye Julianna. Nobody is just going to let that go.How do you think about the answers? 8 years ago. Shaye Alyssa.

Rae (Ray), Lynn, Cinnamon(from a bok im reading now) oh lord im thinking. 7 Answers. 7 years ago. Especially these days--and especially as a middle--no one will bat an eye at a girl with a masculine name.

Chocolatecake12 Tue 10-Jan-17 16:15:28. thanks! Haley Barbara. Shaye Alexandra. Logan Daniel . Relevance. Halle Jenna. Haley Marie. Answer Save. Answer Save. Logan Samuel . You can sign in to vote the answer.Still have questions? Meaning of the name Olivia. Origin: Greek, Spanish.

It is the feminine form of the name, Oliver, and ranked as number one in popularity for 2019. How about: Haley McCole. Logan Matthew. Juno ^_^ Lv 5. Would Camilla Catherine work? Alice, Kate, Louise, Sophie I think it's pretty, but the fact they are two royal names did jump out at me immediately. 15 Answers. Lv 4. What is a cute middle name that goes with the name Shaye for a little girl :) just want opinions.

Plus, Douglas actually has a rich history as woman's name; it was particularly popular in the 16th-18th centuries (Like Lady Douglas Howard Sheffield, for instance. Isis, Michelle, Joy, Annabelle, chasTITY can easily be made fun of by a clever group of 4th graders.Well... this may seem weird to you, but if you're willing for something unique, try Chastity Blake. Shaye Eliza. !I was also going to suggest Catherine and Rose! 1 decade ago. Answer Save. I think it works perfectly fine! I love Juliette Douglas. Shaye Virginia. Favorite Answer. Lv 6. Favourite answer. What middle names go cute with Halle? Meaning: Pure. Halle Paige. Hallie Rae. Dont you realise how much she'll get teased for itPlease don't name your child chastity!

Camilla is lovely and underused, don't go soft at the middle name and use the standard Rose/Grace! Favourite answer. Thanks Rose is one of my favourites but EVERYONE I know who has had a girl has used it as a middle name!I think it works perfectly fine! This would be using Catherine after a family member. :) Answer Save.

Roseann, Grace, Elizabeth. Not sure if this works so we are open to prettier middle name suggestions. Haley Joyce. Logan Jacob.

Branwen. Logan Josiah . Haley Margaret. Both pretty names.

Think we are set on Frederick for a boy and Camilla for a girl.

To use this feature subscribe to Mumsnet Premium - get first access to Don't know if baby due in 8 weeks is boy or girl.

Answer Save. Cute middle name for Haley? Anonymous.

Logan Jack . Rose is one of my favourites but EVERYONE I know who has had a girl has used it as a middle name!

Cute middle names for Logan? Talk widget showing discussions of the day & trending threads 7 years ago. Thank you everyone, I will read all suggestions to my husband tonight!Personally I quite like a soft start to the name after Camilla and nothing that ends in an "a" or a "y" or "ie" sound, such as Actually not Camilla Skye as sounds like vanilla sky! Jan 6, 2018 - Baby Girl Name: Catalina. la paloma. Lv 5. Login to reply the answers Post; Anonymous.

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