The placing of Homelands is a bit of a puzzler. Hemos aprendido que la edad de The conflux of the Shards of Alara take place several months after the events of Agents of Artifice, so we may establish that it takes place approximately 100 years after the mending, since Nicol Bolas had extensive dealings with both Jace and Liliana during the time period before the conflux. The timeline in the Homelands comic gives no dates in A.R., but gives a chronology of events that takes 620 years, far longer than the 330 years in the WotC timeline. Sua fonte de informação de Animes, Mangás, Doramas, Tokusatsus, Live-Actions, Fansubers, Scanlators. Roughly 3 years passed since Chandra acquired the scroll the first time, and Sarkhan Vol's presence tracking Chandra (apparently there for less than a year) indicates that the Zendikar story takes place after Alara as well. They have never been given in an official WotC publishing, but we consider them canon until an official source disproves them. The events of Mirrodin were a continuity problem. Since some parts of the timeline are open to interpretation this section was created to show which of them could be different, and why the current version was chosen. He left the plane as an adult, about three decades later (although it's only an impression of his age derived from the art in the comic). The site of Jeff Lee gives the date of the ringing of the Apocalypse Chime on 4000 A.R., while the WotC Timeline places it between 3800 and 4130. Now we can leave the 4000 date out, for it is prerevisioned, but the two timelines can be compatible in two ways: either 620 years on Ulgrotha are only 330 years on Dominaria, or the WotC timeline only counts some parts of the Ulgrotha timeline as the actual story. The flavor text of several cards in Mirrodin mention the events of the Mirrodin Cycle taking place millennia after Karn's disappearance from the plane.Although we don't know where to exactly fit Ravnica Cycle, Time Spiral Cycle made it clear that Guildpact fell before The Mending. A seguinte cronologia lista a ordem de eventos como Homura a experimenta, bem como a especulação sobre a definição exata e calendário de eventos dentro de prazos individuais. Mira cómo la historia de Magic: The Gathering es parte de tu propia historia.En 1993, Richard Garfield creó el fantástico mundo de © 1993-2020 Wizards of the Coast LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Los 25 años de historia de Magic: The Gathering son un legado impresionante, con un diseño de juego innovador, un arte increíble y una historia apasionante. Cronología de la magia - Timeline of magic. Las posibilidades para los próximos 25 años de Magic son infinitas. Pero ustedes, los jugadores y fans en todo el mundo, son los que hacen que sea más que un juego; hacen que sea una comunidad. The dates for the Kamigawa Cycle, the Legend's II cycle and the short stories of Astor and Virot Maglan have all been given by Scott McGough on various message boards. Las posibilidades para los próximos 25 años de Magic son infinitas. This section will not include an argumentation for all dates and the placing of undated events, because dates are often just given in the books, and most undated events have to have happened between certain dated events because of the characters or nations present. The Fallen Empires comic says it takes place over a millennium before the Ice Age, while post-rev sources put it only 280 years prior to the ice. Magi com certeza será um mangá que irá fazer muita falta. Refraction of Rabiah happened still in his infancy. The dates of the events of Arabian Nights comic and life of Taysir are roughly estimated, based on The Story of the Battlemage Ravidel, which places birth of Taysir soon after the end of the Brothers' War. La historia conocida sobre el Imperio Thran transcurre aproximadamente durante el quinto milenio antes de los Hermanos (~-5000 CA). We do know however, that it happens after the Dominarian Mending, since the Great Aurora that resulted in Maralen's creation was triggered by the mending. Some sources place Antiquities War comic after Arabian Nights, but one of them also reminds that in fact, the Antiquities War comic is a narrative made by Taysir after he was trapped in the Shard and researched the mysteries of this ancient conflict. 2020 04 Gennaio: Theros: Oltre la Morte, 29 Febbraio: Unsanctioned, 03 Aprile: Challanger Decks 2020, 24 Aprile: Commander 2020, 16 Maggio: Ikoria: Tana dei Behemoth, 26 Giugno: Signature Spellbook: Chandra, 03 Luglio: Set Base 2021, 17 Luglio: Jump Start, … Magic Online Tempest Remastered 269 cards Mayo, 2015 Vintage Masters 325 cards Junio, 2014 Se trata de una relación de fechas no oficial, pero que toma toda su información de fuentes canónicas oficiales (ver: Lista de fuentes de historias). Since there are exactly 330 years between the arrival of Feroz and the collapse of Feroz's Ban (The beginning and ending of the Homelands comic, if you ignore the prologue) the second interpretation is used here. Los 25 años de historia de Magic: The Gathering son un legado impresionante, con un diseño de juego innovador, un arte increíble y una historia apasionante. Fico triste, mas ao mesmo tempo feliz, porque vi um dos meus mangás favoritos terminando enquanto ainda estava por cima, sem muita enrolação e nem tantos furos de roteiro (isso ai já é impossível pra qualquer um). La fechas en C.M. Esta línea de tiempo de la magia es una historia de la arte de ejecución de BC hasta la actualidad. Many prerevisionist events have been given in this reckoning, but they are often just plain wrong in revisionist continuity. Jace Beleren might have visited Lorwyn at the time of the Great AuroraAccording to Doug Beyer this happened 6000 years before the current events. 2700 aC - La primera actuación conocida reputación de un efecto de magia ( bolas) por el mago Dedi en el antiguo Egipto.

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