Download a free trial of Source Editor for Confluence now to gain greater control over your Confluence pages. You can do so by emailing I used that editor to format our templates and create elements for CSS to format. Our organization has our own version of this plugin called Source Editor for Confluence which is supported with data center compatibility. ","stars":1,"flags":[],"reviewFlags":[],"flagged":false,"links":[{"href":"/rest/1.0/plugins/com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.editor.confluence-source-editor/reviews/2868055","rel":"self"},{"href":"/apps/1210722/confluence-source-editor?tab=reviews","rel":"alternate"},{"href":"/apps/1210722/confluence-source-editor?tab=overview","rel":"plugin","type":"text/html"},{"href":"/rest/1.0/plugins/com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.editor.confluence-source-editor","rel":"plugin","type":"application/json"}],"helpfulVotes":2,"id":"2868055","date":"2019-08-15T22:18:04.583Z","totalVotes":2,"pluginName":"Confluence Source Editor","hosting":"server"},{"author":{"name":"Winfried Trümper","links":[{"href":"/rest/1.0/users/2754093","rel":"self"},{"href":"","rel":"avatar"},{"href":"/users/2754093","rel":"alternate"}],"id":2754093,"pictureUri":""},"review":"Buggy.
Whether your team is large or small, technical or Luddite, there's a Confluence add-on to get everyone in sync. Would prefer if basic functionality was reliable instead of having duplicated features like find.The only way to edit sources easily. RickYou updated the source editor for the first time in almost 4 years and didn't include in your release? There are a ton of other bugs like this.\n\nWe ended up switching to Mohamicorp's version ( which is this plugin with some added features and FIXES for these bugs! ","stars":4,"flags":[],"reviewFlags":[],"flagged":false,"links":[{"href":"/rest/1.0/plugins/com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.editor.confluence-source-editor/reviews/1658042","rel":"self"},{"href":"/apps/1210722/confluence-source-editor?tab=reviews","rel":"alternate"},{"href":"/apps/1210722/confluence-source-editor?tab=overview","rel":"plugin","type":"text/html"},{"href":"/rest/1.0/plugins/com.atlassian.confluence.plugins.editor.confluence-source-editor","rel":"plugin","type":"application/json"}],"helpfulVotes":2,"id":"1658042","date":"2017-04-06T17:29:08.170Z","totalVotes":2,"pluginName":"Confluence Source Editor"},{"author":{"name":"Jeremy Ferragamo","links":[{"href":"/rest/1.0/users/2015275","rel":"self"},{"href":"","rel":"avatar"},{"href":"/users/2015275","rel":"alternate"}],"id":2015275,"pictureUri":""},"review":"Copy/paste directly out of the Edit pane rarely works for the type of advanced formatting I use within my spaces or in collaboration with other teams (possibly running in different Confluence server instances), but source editor alleviates all of those most migration headaches by retaining everything (except the page-specific attachments). When that occurs, the only viable solution is to use an app like this one to edit the underlying XHTML. Atlassian does not allow us to embed the editor into its own. ","pluginCount":2390,"key":"confluence","links":[{"href":"/rest/1.0/applications/confluence","rel":"self"},{"href":"/rest/1.0/applications/confluence/latest","rel":"latest-version"},{"href":"/addons/app/confluence","rel":"alternate"},{"href":"/addons/app/confluence","rel":"featured-plugins"},{"href":"/addons/app/confluence/trending","rel":"most-popular-plugins"},{"href":"/search?product=confluence&hosting=cloud","rel":"ondemand-plugins"}],"atlassianConnectSupport":{"cloud":true,"server":false,"dataCenter":false},"order":1,"status":{"key":"Published","value":"Published"}}],"stable":true,"buildNumber":76,"summary":"Support for Confluence 7.0.1","addOnType":"Plugins 2"} You can do so by emailing
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