Answers Developer Questions . If you're using a Data Center product, you should install the Data Center version of the app.Because this app has a Data Center approved version, you should purchase a Data Center license for the app.If you already own a server license for this app, you can continue using the server license in your Data Center product for a limited period of time.For Data Center apps, academic licenses are available at a 50% discount if you have an academic license for your Atlassian product.Community and open-source licenses are not available for Data Center apps. Add ALL confluence scopes. Whether your team is large or small, technical or Luddite, there's a Confluence add-on to get everyone in sync. Whether your team is large or small, technical or Luddite, there's a Confluence add-on to get everyone in sync.

If you're using a Data Center product, you should install the Data Center version of the app.Because this app has a Data Center approved version, you should purchase a Data Center license for the app.If you already own a server license for this app, you can continue using the server license in your Data Center product for a limited period of time.For server apps, academic licenses are available at a 50% discount if you have an academic license for your Atlassian product.Community and open-source licenses are available for server apps. ","jsdEmbeddedDataKey":"eaa7135d-751c-4b3e-871a-9df7d8245c5d"}{"name":"O'Hara Group","email":"","description":"","icon":{"links":[{"href":"","rel":"binary","type":"image/png"},{"href":"","rel":"original","type":"image/png"},{"href":"/rest/1.0/vendors/1212012/icon","rel":"self"},{"href":"/manage/vendors/1212012/icon","rel":"alternate"}],"width":72,"height":72},"users":[{"name":"Scott O'Hara","links":[{"href":"/rest/1.0/users/1731335","rel":"self"},{"href":"/users/1731335","rel":"alternate"},{"href":"/rest/1.0/vendors/1212012/contacts/1731335","rel":"delete-relationship"}],"id":1731335,"pictureUri":""}],"links":[{"href":"/rest/1.0/vendors/1212012","rel":"self"},{"href":"/vendors/1212012/ohara-group","rel":"alternate"}],"logo":{"links":[{"href":"","rel":"binary","type":"image/png"},{"href":"","rel":"original","type":"image/png"}],"width":72,"height":72},"id":1212012,"supportOrg":{"name":"O'Hara Group","details":{"Email":"","URL":"AbsoluteURI(\"\")"}},"cloudSecure":false,"otherContactDetails":"","verified":false,"phone":""}{"links":[{"href":"/rest/1.0/plugins/net.oharagroup.confluence.plugins.confluence-open-api/reviews?limit=5&hosting=cloud","rel":"self"},{"href":"/rest/1.0/plugins/net.oharagroup.confluence.plugins.confluence-open-api/reviews?offset=5&limit=5&hosting=cloud","rel":"next","type":"application/json"}],"reviews":[{"author":{"name":"Stacey King","links":[{"href":"/rest/1.0/users/3919857","rel":"self"},{"href":"","rel":"avatar"},{"href":"/users/3919857","rel":"alternate"}],"id":3919857,"pictureUri":""},"review":"Having the same issue as some users below - installed, but not coming up in our macro list. (Apologies for the delayed response, it seems that we are not always notified immediately when a customer leaves a review). Explore . This method is mainly used by Cloud apps.About the macro ID: When a macro is created in a new version of content,

only modified by Confluence if there are conflicting IDs.Note, to preserve backwards compatibility this resource will also match on ","pluginCount":2390,"key":"confluence","links":[{"href":"/rest/1.0/applications/confluence","rel":"self"},{"href":"/rest/1.0/applications/confluence/latest","rel":"latest-version"},{"href":"/addons/app/confluence","rel":"alternate"},{"href":"/addons/app/confluence","rel":"featured-plugins"},{"href":"/addons/app/confluence/trending","rel":"most-popular-plugins"},{"href":"/search?product=confluence&hosting=cloud","rel":"ondemand-plugins"}],"atlassianConnectSupport":{"cloud":true,"server":false,"dataCenter":false},"order":1,"status":{"key":"Published","value":"Published"}}],"summary":"Based on the open source Swagger UI, this add-on is a macro wrapper enabling API documentation to be easily embedded into a Confluence page.\r\n\r\nSpecify your Open API-compliant JSON/YAML definition directly in the macro body, or as an external URL. While they continue to work today, Confluence Cloud will be officially removing these APIs as of March … The app tier should match the licensed user tier of the Atlassian product. Thank you! Create stunning visuals to explain your ideas, theme Confluence into a thing of beauty, or take advantage of powerful tools for technical writers.

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