Most conflict theorists accept the assumption that individuals act out of self-interest, and that interests are often contradictory. In its most basic terms, a family is a group of individuals who share a legal or genetic bond, but for many people, family means much more, and even the simple idea of genetic bonds can be more complicated than it seems. The concept of the family as an emotional unit implies a deep, multi-generational connection between family members that significantly influences the behaviors of its members outside of their conscious awareness.
Intimacy is found within marriage, but it is also found outside marriage, in cohabitation for example. Perhaps it deserves to be identified as a distinctive theoretical approach.
0000003721 00000 n Second, the meanings that people assign to the objects in their environment are drawn from the social interactions in which they engage. endobj The systems approach to the family has therefore been welcomed by some scholars and practitioners as a way to understand family problems and intervene in family processes without blaming any one family member. 0000007013 00000 n PIP: Family planning, often equated with birth control consists in the broadest sense of numerous issues and factors. A theory of choice is at the heart of the exchange approach to family interaction. Behavior becomes exchange when the actions of one individual enter into the rewards and costs of another individual, and each individual modifies the behavior of the other.Applications of exchange theory include the study of the choice of marriage partner, the quality of the marriage relationship, marriage bargaining, and separation and divorce.

If the notion of extended family were to disappear from the African cultural worldview, traditional African culture would be greatly affected. 0000001456 00000 n It focuses on the systematic and patterned changes experienced by families as they move through stages and events of their family life course. 0000001314 00000 n

The allocation of tasks among family members is seen as taking the form of a gendered division of labor. With the purpose of better understanding the concept of family farms, we reviewed 36 definitions and uses of the term by academics, governments and nongovernmental organizations. 1 2 . The embeddedness of the family system in the larger ecosystem is emphasized, and the interchanges that take place between the various levels are described.The main current emphasis in family theorizing does not fit into any of the theoretical frame works identified above. Interpersonal trust is, therefore, no longer based on customary obligations between the occupants of well-defined roles. It conceptualizes the family as one organism. /SA true The resources that are available within families are not only the subject of competition, they are also the means by which one individual may gain power over others. Symbolic interactionists have therefore often believed that individual behavior can only be understood within the context of the family role that an individual occupies. Technology has replaced live /Filter /DCTDecode trailer family members such as those who share a place of residence, or who are related through blood ties or legal contracts. 0000001834 00000 n Individualization involves liberation from traditional commitments and personal emancipation. In this regard, the study of differences in family functions concepts of men and women, who are in marital relationships and not in them, seems to be quite relevant. First, individuals compare the profits they derive from their own marriage with the profits that others derive from their marriages. the Royal Family, an active working unit that reinforces the concept of family and is a major factor in the country's stability. /ca 1.0 /CA 1.0 Individuals are seen as making rational choices about behavior based on the balance of rewards and costs that the behavior has for them. 0000004338 00000 n 9��Ƈ �!� This approach has gone through several phases itself.

It is not maintained by external forces, but it is constructed by the participants out of their own unaided efforts.

There is a process of interaction that goes on within the individual, as people engage in an internal conversation about what things mean and how they should respond.The emphasis in symbolic interactionism is on the family as a unity of interacting personalities.


���� JFIF �� C Theories differ in the concepts that they use, and in the statements that are made about them. 7 0 obj 0

One of the advantages of exchange theory is that it enables the investigator to think about rewards provided within the family, and rewards provided by sources outside the family, as alter natives between which individuals choose. 28 0 obj <> endobj That struggle is not equal. /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB The unequal distribution of power can be seen as important in several respects. Here the family is viewed as a system interacting with its environment. 0000008175 00000 n Further, this notion of family in Bhutan is much more subtle than merely a family unit or nuclear family. The relationship between rewards and costs defines the profit that is derived from behavior, and individuals are assumed to try to maximize their profits. ",#(7),01444'9=82

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