Connect your Spotify account to your account and scrobble everything you listen to, from any Spotify app on any device or platform. Februar 2007 veröffentlicht.
Geschichten, die bewegen. This content is imported from Instagram.
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The adorable family are all smiles in front of a larger-than-life photo backdrop consisting of baby blue balloons, a life-sized white teddy bear, and bright silver letter balloons that spell out Win.The singer also shared a close-up snapshot of her sleeping baby. Do you know any background info about this track?
Da steht dann zB.
Ciara Princess Harris (born October 25, 1985), who performs under the mononym Ciara, is a … The singer took to … Sängerin Ciara und ihr Ehemann Russell Wilson haben auf Instagram die Geburt ihres Sohnes verkündet - mit einem besonderen Ständchen. Album: Goodies. 3 25.9m Followers, 101 Following, 3,729 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Ciara (@ciara) The singer cited a lack of label support and financial funding for her previous albums Fantasy Ride (2009) and Basic Instinct (2010).
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album: "Goodies" (2004) Goodies. Artist: Ciara.
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The "Level Up" singer and the Seattle Seahawks quarterback "Welcome Home Win ," wrote Ciara alongside an Instagram post featuring baby Win's arrival home from the hospital.
6 Oder sind Marken einfach zu teuer? Ciara and Russell Wilson are celebrating their new family of five.
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