The premise of this book seemed relevant for so many kids who deal with divorce and split custody arrangements, as well as identity struggles from being biracial, that I was looking forward to reading it and sharing it with the young people in my life.This book is about a girl who is blended in the sense that she’s biracial, and who is in a blended family as her parents have divorced and met other people. You summed up my feelings about this book perfectly!! I also tried (very hard!) Or white? She is caught between two cultures. Sharon M. Draper is a New York Times bestselling author and recipient of the Margaret A. Edwards Award honoring her significant and lasting contribution to writing for teens. A kid sliced in half. What I thought was the strength of this story was the way Draper writes the tug of war feelings Isabella struggles with pertaining the separation/divorce/remarriage of her parents.
This book is just perfect for middle school students. I just think maybe it tried to deal with too much and some issues felt kind of dropped. How can she react when her black friend is victimized? But Blended turned out to be a big disappointment. Ultimately, I wished the book had treated each of these topics in a more nuanced way. I really enjoyed this book. I just think maybe it tried to deal with too much and some issues felt kind of dropped. Isabella is more than just being caught between two homes, though.
320p., ISBN: 978-1-4424-9500-5I had thought I would enjoy this book a lot more than I did, but instead I felt I was slogging through it more than anything. Digital products purchased from this site are sold by Simon & Schuster Digital Sales Inc. A must read for young and older. It didn't make any sense to me. Sharon M. Draper once again creates a character so real that Izzy/Isabella will live in my heart for a long time. Or a white person?Draper just writes one outstanding book after another. 320p., ISBN: 978-1-4424-9500-5 “Sit yourself down at the piano Just about in the middle”--Graham Nash, “Black Notes” “Dylan Roof, white male, murdered 9 African Americans in a church, taken alive into custody.
As an adult reader, I felt there were too many "issues", but I don't think that will deter the intended audience for this book. I really liked how this book dealt with family issues, but the two violent racist scenes should have been more fully developed to bring more of an impact to the character and the story. not to compare it to The Hate You Give, but even when I put that book completely out of my head I still felt this was a 2-star book. October 30th 2018 Actually, that made us four pieces—’cause I have to be two people: Mom’s Izzy and Dad’s Isabella.” Isabella is more than just being caught between two homes, though. I really liked how this book dealt with familyI just don't think it was developed at all. Overall, though, I really enjoyed listening to this audiobook read by thThis middle grade book deals with a LOT of stuff...divorced parents who constantly fight, new step parents, mixed race marriage, race issues at school, police brutality, identity, and more. Plus, receive recommendations for your next Book Club read. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. Loved the friendships. It pains me to give a low rating to a book by the wonderful Sharon Draper, who has written so many good stories for kids and teens. They don't answer questions here. I also tried (very hard!) “Chocolate family meets vanilla family in the artificial reality that is a mall. Isabella is torn; her mom is white and her dad is black, and they have gotten divorced, leaving Isabella at her mom's one week and her dad's the next. !This is exactly how I felt about this book! 04 June 2017 international development It was a very traumatic scene, and then the book just ends. Sharon M Draper is a professional educator as well as an accomplished writer She has been honored as the National Teacher of the Year, is a five time winner of the Coretta Scott King Literary Award, and is a New York Times bestselling author She lives in Cincinnati, Ohio. Get a FREE e-book by joining our mailing list today! I love the point of view of young woman caught in the middle of divorced parents and the toll it takes on her.
As a fellow black person? Caramel daughter caught helplessly between the two.”“We were no longer a whole, but three separate pieces. A perfect exploration of family ties and race for 6th graders. Blended (2018), a young adult novel by American author Sharon M. Draper, follows 11-year-old Isabella “Izzy” Badia Thornton as she negotiates her parents’ divorce and her biracial identity.
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