A mix between rescuing and harvesting the Little Sisters gives the player a choice; either Eleanor can absorb his ADAM, or Delta can stop her and die, in which case Eleanor will mourn his death and choose to make her own way in life.

Even if an enemy is thawed from the ice, they will still be a little damaged from their time being frozen.Telekinesis is a useful plasmid that allows that player to pick up objects that they might not normally be able to reach. The game's ending depends on how the player interacted with the Little Sisters they encountered, and the fates of the members of the Rapture Family. All Plasmids is an achievement in BioShock 2. All Plasmids is an Achievement / Trophy awarded for finding or purchasing all eleven basic plasmid types. Max Plasmid Slots - Fully upgrade to the maxim um number of Plasmid Slots. Beyond that, Big Daddies will still attack that player should the player accidentally hit them with a stray bullet, so it's often best to sit back and let the metal monster do most of the fighting.An essential elixir for this stealth/survival horror experience, Peeping Tom allows Elizabeth to see all nearby enemies through walls. BioShock 2 at IGN: walkthroughs, items, maps, video tips, and strategies Find guides to this achievement here. All Plasmids. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. Enemies who catch on fire are able to run into the water to extinguish themselves.Despite this fact, the plasmid is still useful to damage enemies and surprise enemies who might be standing next to a barrel. The game was supported with Delta arrives at the containment chamber where Eleanor is held, but Lamb captures him and severs his bond to Eleanor by temporarily stopping Eleanor's heart. There are plenty of other plasmids that would be more useful for the player, such as plasmids that actually let the player fight against their enemies.Insect Swarm is a plasmid that can be used to spawn a swarm of bees that will attack enemies, damaging and distracting them. RELATED: How Long Does BioShock 2 Take To Beat? Eleanor and Delta make it to the escape pod, but Delta is mortally wounded by a bomb. If Delta harvested all of the Little Sisters then Eleanor will extract Delta's ADAM and become bent on world domination, the weather becoming dark and stormy as the corpses of Rapture's inhabitants float to the surface. Together they head for an escape pod that Sinclair has arranged to leave Rapture. Plasmids available will each have a unique upgrade tree, and most can be upgraded twice. With an upgrade, this trap is able to damage the Splicers even more, possibly killing them.Even if the Splicers do not die, it is amusing to see the enemies being flung around by a trap they did not see. It is worth 20 points and can be received for: Find or purchase all 11 basic Plasmid types.

Though Eleanor survives, Delta begins to slowly die as the bond cannot be re-established. Even if the effect wears off, security devices will keep attacking the enemy until one of them are dead. BioShock 2 is a first-person shooter, with the player taking on the role of Subject Delta eight years after the events of the first BioShock game. The game's ending depends on how the player interacted with the Little Sisters they encountered, and the fates of the members of the Rapture Family. There are eleven Plasmids in BioShock, but which one is the best?Taking a trip down memory lane will remind players of Target Dummy is a plasmid that would spawn a hologram that could be used to distract enemies and allow the player to get away. However, this plasmid is best used if the player is able to quickly escape from his or her targets.Found in the Housewares Department but only accessible through the use of Old Man Winter, Bucking Bronco allows Booker to suspend enemies in mid-air, rendering them completely defenseless.

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