'Just Don't Do It': Nike wasted no time making ad on George Floyd's death, but what are the REAL motives behind their messaging? Create an account.
Murat Arda Aslan 495 views. The official site for Bethesda, publisher of Fallout, DOOM, Dishonored, Skyrim, Wolfenstein, The Elder Scrolls, more. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. Bethesda and it's regional PR accounts are showing support for Pride Awareness Month by changing their Twitter icons to a rainbow version of its logo. Some noticed that while the company logo had been switched on its main account and accounts in France, the UK, Brazil, Poland and New Zealand (among others), it was also absent on the gaming giant’s Russian Twitter account. If they really cared about promoting pride, maybe they’d have the courage to actually do it in a market where it might be controversial.Further investigation reveals that Bethesda local offices in Poland and Russia also declined to formally recognize gay pride month.Taking a brave stance in support of diversity- unless it means actually risking precious profit margins.Big Tech wants to cripple the free flow of information.The social media giant Twitter is targeting Bitchute, the alternative video service that allows for content to be shared freely on the platform, with Draconian censorship.Independent journalist Tim Pool made the discovery in a Twitter post:This may have been done at the behest of ANTIFA-style organization, Hope Not Hate, which lobbies Big Tech to censor their political enemies.Violent, racist & harmful videos are posted on social media platforms using the video-sharing platform BitChute as the host – circumventing the ban most major platforms have placed on the sharing of hate content. Bethesda Pride Month Logos refers to the controversy surrounding Bethesda’s change to its logos to feature the rainbow flag on Twitter that celebrates LGBTQ+ Pride Month for all accounts except Russia, Turkey and the Middle East. However, Bethesda Middle East, Turkey and Russia haven't followed suit.Reasonable.
As bad as it is, these companies have to abide by religious and cultural laws too. I think forceful pride month celebration is not good. All rights reserved.This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.Completing this poll grants you access to Big League Politics updates free of charge. Bethesda changed all te logos except the one where it's arguably needed the most. For this reason, Lesbians aren't bothered in most of those countries, only gay men.Iran has a weird way to deal with gays. It's still progress people!
June is Pride month, and June 28 is a celebrated day in LGBTQ history as it is the anniversary of the Stonewall Rebellion in New York City on June 28, 1969. Let's not hate them for it, the world is going forward slowly.JoyFreak's rainbow logo is more than enough for me JoyFreak's rainbow logo is more than enough for me It's a shame but I can see why they did it. But it does go to show that the company’s western entities are going through the motions as little more than a public relations stunt. “Major social media platforms including Facebook and Twitter should ban the sharing of Bitchute links on their platform, thereby significantly reducing the impact of this extreme and dangerous material,” Hope Not Hate In addition to calling for Draconian censorship against Bitchute on social media platforms, they also call for Bitchute to be slapped with criminal repercussions for permitting free speech on their platform.“Law enforcement investigate Bitchute for distribution of content that breaks British law, including terrorism legislation,” Hope Not Hate wrote. Homosexuality is not illegal, only sodomy (anal sex). For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding.Bethesda and it's regional PR accounts are showing support for Pride Awareness Month by changing their Twitter icons to a rainbow version of its logo. The Irish Pride Industries Shipyard is a factory Location in the Northern Central area of The Commonwealth. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts If Bethesda or any other brand forced their ME branch to change to the rainbow, you'd have people in … You may opt out at anytime. Answer: Bethesda hasn’t changed their Middle East Twitter Icon because homosexuality is illegal in most of the Middle East and can be punished with either a prison sentence or a death penalty is the most extreme cases. But at least three studios conspicuously skipped the festivities, keeping the standard Bethesda logo that the company maintains for the other 12 months of the year.It’s probably no coincidence that the company’s Middle East office declined to celebrate Pride Month, considering the market demographic of the region broadly opposes homosexuality.
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