Useful anywhere, this is especially powerful in EDH since commanders are always legendary.Disrupt counters an instant or sorcery unless its owner pays one extra mana; either way, you get to draw a card. My one complaint are its two blue symbols, but that's a nitpick on an excellent card.Compared to Counterspell, Negate can only counter non-creatures, but trades a blue symbol for a colorless, making it better for multicolor decks and able to be discounted.Remand has a flexible cost and can counter any card type, placing it back in the caster's hand instead of their graveyard. Please choose which areas of our service you consent to our doing so.
For similar spells only legal in casual play, check out the joke card "Very Cryptic Command".No, silly, we're not talking about the Force of Will trading card game. But if you know that one player that always plays blue, this red counterspell will work perfectly.Pyroblast is really strong against a blue deck – you get both a removal spell and a counterspell. Today we’ll explore the best MTG counterspells of all time! But you can’t play Now, if you haven’t countered anything with it yet, we strongly recommend you to try it. In standard formats, you'll likely only need one or two different types of counters, but in blue commander decks (where only one of each card is allowed), you'll need to stock your library with different tools—which reign supreme? and its not likely to eat another counter spell.mana drain is overrated and often doesn't lead to anything special. It’s basically a Swiss army knife of counterspells – you get six different spells on one card. That's pretty expensive for a vanilla counterspell, sure, but it provides an excellent last resort defense against game-winning combos or infinites. But you can also cycle Miscalculation for two, discarding it and drawing a new card. Perfect for commander format, where you know you'll be facing some legendary creatures.Complicate's a versatile card; you can cast it for three to counter a spell unless its controller spends an extra three mana, resources they usually won't have. Make sure that you won’t miss another Top 10 list and follow us on Facebook or Instagram. This is an absurdly low price. These are the 30 best counterspells in Magic: The Gathering! And having a colorless slot helps with cards like "Baral, Chief of Compliace", who can discount instants/sorceries by one mana (if they have at least one colorless symbol in their cost).Miscalculation counters a spell unless its caster pays two more mana. These are the 30 best counterspells in Magic: The Gathering!Exclude only works on creatures, but not only do you counter the spell, you also get to draw, mixing a counter with a cantrip. Granting everything an extra +1/+1 counter anytime one is placed on a creature. In standard formats, you'll likely only need one or two different types of counters, but in blue commander decks (where only one of each card is allowed), you'll need to stock your library with different tools—which reign supreme? Tell us in the comments bellow! specifically, not a counter / control deck, but a deck that is built around wish / infect / cube / bounty etc.
Oh, and draw a card just in case.Once you have a small advantage, nothing can go wrong if you’re holding Cryptic Command.There’s something special about counterspells that cost zero. Sometimes it won’t even be a counterspell.
Pyroblast is definitively a weird card, though. That's right, for pinching yourself and simply banishing a card in hand, you can toss a counter at anything without spending resources!Another excellent surprise counter, just remember that lands are colorless, so you can't exile islands to pay Will's price.An easy number one, Mana Drain offers an upgraded form of Counterspell with absolutely no drawbacks. This site is That's a great alternative casting, especially when you're out of lands in hand and have an open land drop on your next turn.Cast regularly, Force of Negations acts as a slightly more expensive Negate, countering any non-creature, but as a bonus, you send it to exile instead of the graveyard. This makes Snag a good fit for non-singleton formats, where multiple copies will empower each other and crank the added fee to ridiculous proportions.Suffocating Blast needs four mana, including at least two blue and one red. GW +1/+1 Counters Hardened Scales deck with my own personal twist!. Plus, Lapse's colorless slot makes it a popular low-cost choice for multicolor builds.A staple in any blue deck, Lapse is also surprisingly cheap, Confluence lets you pick three triggers from its effects, and you can choose the same mode more than once:All are good options, and the versatility really comes in handy.
Like before, you pay two blue mana to thwart a spell of any type. But you can also cycle Complicate for three, drawing a card and countering a spell unless one extra mana is paid.So cycle when they're already tapped out for a bonus draw, but cast regularly if they have a few leftover lands.For a single mana, Swan Song counters any enchantment, instant, or sorcery, hitting a wide range of targets for very few mana. And you'll still get the discount on multicolor spells as long as they're partially blue.Virtually identical, these spells let you pick between countering a blue spell or destroying a blue permanent. Comments are not for promoting your articles or other sites.Good suggestions, but I disagree on Mana Drain: at absolute worst, it's just as good as Counterspell, and at best, it can easily give you the win. You can now import it in the MTG Arena client.Other people can view your private deck by using this urlMagic the Gathering, FNM is TM and copyright Wizards of the Coast, Inc, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved.
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