But if I wanted more colonies, buying them in the Fall is not a bad idea, if one can Winter them.I agree with the comment "Because they can".
One without wood finish, one with exterior gray paint. What you've related doesn't sound like a scam, just a business plan.They do it because they can. Late summer is a time when bees generally look pretty good before the predictable fall shrink and sometimes wholesale collapses begin to take place. I have a lot of people calling me this time of year wanting hives. Thats what makes it a 'free market'. I'm not trying to sell them here but I have some listed on craigslist right now. If there is enough honey, it may even make economic sense to kill the colony instead of selling the bees. I have to wait a few minutes and reread to make sure I am proof reading ok. some days are better than others but I can not tell until waiting and rereading.I sell single Deeps in the fall to folks with Almond contracts. After 40%+ loss this winter. :) But price/value is established where the buyer and seller BOTH agree on the price point - otherwise its a No Sale. beware of no honey for winter in the hives.Mark, As you might note from many of mi posts I'm not much of a Czech-oslovakian either. beehives for sale - $300 (del valle) < image 1 of 5 > QR Code Link to This Post. I would like to put money away for the holiday season and give my wife a little piece of mind.
Almond pollination and the general state of bee health has changed that. Caveat emptor. By continuing to browse our site you agree to our use of data and cookies.
Spellcheck doesn't like Spellcheck) and then I Google the spelling. ---We use cookies to improve your experience on this website and so that ads you see online can be tailored to your online browsing interests. "Everything is for sale but the Wife and the dog. All made of cedar. Sellers (on Craigslist and anywhere else) have varying opinions of the value of their offerings. Beemaniac - are you doing that again this year?
"I hear about guys down here buying hives so they can feed them early and split them right before almonds. there was a bad one in this area starting about now for "promised" spring nucs.
Beehives for sale - $200 (Aurora) < image 1 of 2 > QR Code Link to This Post. It appears to me that there are plenty of items on Craigslist that are never sold anywhere near the asking price. post; account; favorites . safety tips; prohibited items; product recalls; avoiding scams. We use data about you for a number of purposes explained in the links below. two hives, painted and unpainted. And if they don't sell it doesn't matter. they are 2 year old beehives. I wouldn't buy bees off of Craigslist unless I checked them myself.
I think that in some operations it makes better business sense to buy packages, use the bees for pollination, take all of the honey and then sell the bees. Not to the weary person.as sqkcrk stated a above but I would place a bit more emphasis on being aware of scams. hidden. The problem I'm running into is no one has money right now.I rely on spell check (isn't that supposed to be one word?
and Shallow honey suppers ,FRAMES AND WAX FOUNDATION ,plastic foundation, cypress nucs, jester nucs, SUGAR 55 gal , SYRUP 55 gal; WE HAVE A FEW NUCS FOR SALE, FIRST COME FIRST SERVE 931-450-257two I DO NOT TEXT!!!!! Just becasue a product does not meet your requirements does not mean nobody wants it. CL. hide. The beekeeper who attempts to sell bees in the late summer is hardly doing anything unusual or unethical.Scams happen, but I don't know why that would be so here. But I am open to negotiations. Two vertical lanstroth hives each with 10 deep foundationless frames (some used), 33 medium foundationless frames, queen excluder, entrance reduced. Bee hives for sale (Wichita) < image 1 of 8 > QR Code Link to This Post. try the craigslist app » Android iOS CL. favorite.
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