About the Author: Sue Sgambati. Share on Facebook.

"This should create an active pattern from the Great Lakes to Atlantic Canada. Be prepared to adjust your driving with changing road conditions," warns Environment Canada.As the low pressure system slowly departs Ontario, wraparound snow will move through much of southern Ontario and the GTA for the morning commute, and could have a measurable effect on driving conditions, especially from the west. North end of Barrie,ON. It is too early to know the exact storm track, but some high-impact winter weather is still likely for parts of the region despite the lack of consistently cold weather," says The Weather Network meteorologist Dr. Doug Gillham.However, at this point it doesn't look like we'll see consistent cold weather in our region; the focus of the frigid weather will likely remain well west of our region and mild weather is expected to surge into southern Ontario at times during the first half of January.Extended periods of freezing rain overnight Sunday thorugh Monday afternoon led to significant ice accretion across central and eastern Ontario.Tens of thousands across the region were without power on Monday, with dicey travel conditions impacting major travel arteries — including stretches of Highway 401 east of Trenton, Ont.Kingston today #ShareYourWeather #ONstorm #ygk #icestormEverything frozen and covered with ice.
What can Canada expect?Trump blames Spanish Flu for ending Second World War — 2 decades laterMontreal teenager speaks out after her attempted kidnappingPresident Donald Trump escorted from briefing after shooting outside White HouseRussia approves first COVID-19 vaccine, Putin says his daughter was inoculatedOhio woman shines light on inappropriately placed button on Hasbro doll in Facebook videoU.S. April ice storm cost Hydro-Quebec $14 million due to damage, overtime Workers -- mainly line labourers -- put in nearly 45,500 hours of overtime at a cost of about $3.6 million.
sees kids’ coronavirus cases spike as schools reopen.

Print. BILLSTMAXX Recommended for you. Trump blames Spanish Flu for ending Second World War — 2 decades laterOntario reports 33 new coronavirus cases, lowest single-day increase since mid-MarchMassive ice storm leaves over 100,000 in southern Ontario without powerMassive ice storm leaves over 100,000 in southern Ontario without powerMan arrested after doctor killed in attack at Red Deer clinic​Russia clears coronavirus vaccine, insists it’s safe as scientists sound alarmOntario reports 33 new coronavirus cases, lowest single-day increase since mid-March‘Do I seem rattled?’: Trump escorted from White House briefing room, cites shootingOver 97K children in U.S. test positive for coronavirus in 2 weeks. Sue Sgambati/BarrieToday. Cleanup is on after Eastern ice storm "Travel is expected to be hazardous due to reduced visibility in some locations. Thousands without power in aftermath of Ontario ice storm Is it really spring? Share via Text Message; Previous Next. Gallery: Barrie ice storm in pictures. 6-7 mm off ice. Thousands of households across southern Ontario are in the dark as high winds blow down frozen tree branches in the aftermath of an ice storm.Hydro One reports more than 75,000 customers without power, largely in the areas of Woodstock, Guelph, Owen Sound, Caledon and Bradford.Guess we have to turn around. Taken at 10pm. This is the worst ! As Mike Drolet reports, many are hoping this is winter's last kick at the can. Operations are running normally. Visibility may be significantly and suddenly reduced to near zero. ^jo Toronto Hydro and utilities in the Greater Toronto-Hamilton Area reported no major outages.Toronto police are advising pedestrians to be careful for falling ice when walking near tall buildings.Reports of ice falling from buildings at numerous locations in the city, use caution when negotiating sidewalks near tall buildings ^maPearson International airport says things are running normally but that travellers should still check their flight status ahead of time.Happy Friday!

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