:3it was probably jecht since the auron back then did'nt seem as tough as the auron that was protecting yuna and also because hey he tidus's fatherI'm going to have to go with Auron on this one. (at the time of Braska's pilgrimage, so not counting Auron's awesomeness when he's guarding Yuna)I would agree that it'd be Jecht, but I'm not too sure about this one.
Auron on the other hand was a Monk even before Guarding Braska; he was undoubtedly trained for a number of years before the events. We didn't see Jecht's fighting style. User Info: Rumar. You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. Sphere Recommendations: A spheres: Very straight forward - focus ATK & BRV DMG, ideally mixing them. Auron is featured wielding weapons that he had access to in Final Fantasy X. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register.I always thought Jecht would be more like Wakka, but still think he was harder. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. omg, they split enhancers and regular units... that's so great, now I don't have to spend all the cactuars as soon as I get them anymore due to limited character inventory <. I was expecting them in at least another month but I'm absolutely ready for a meta breaker at last.Interesting not seeing anything pig related with those units. I had a sneaking suspicion this banner was a lapis sink trap for something but Jecht and Auron of all!? Basically, they were talking about how great it would be if they defeated Sin because everyone expected the three of them to fail.Its hard to say since we didn't really see who was stronger since there were no viewed fight sences of them back then but if I had to say so I'd say Auron because he actually had combat training as a monk.Jecht, Auron was too young and naive at the time but he was still goodas FFXIIFran says auron is claimed to be "the best guardian there ever was" with this being the case i would have to agree that auron is the better warrior out of the two of themYeah as others have said, it has to be Auron becuase remember Auron was helping and fighting with Braska before they went and met Jecht in jail. he's trained to kill at young age. There is also a Jecht sphere in which it is said that Braska was a fallen summoner and Auron a monk that was doomed because he refused to marry someone (my memory is a bit fuzzy about this one, I'll try and look it up). I find it hard to believe a man only introduced to fighting would be better than a man training for years.well Auron was ment to be the all time best guardian soo Auron gets my voteI'd also say that Auron was the strongest guardian. He is armed with his starting katana, a generic high-level katana, and his Celestial Weapon; Masamune in his 5, 6, and 7 forms respectively. Also in terms of shear strength and battle abilities, I believe Auron is the better "guardian". ...Hmm....Maybe I'll be able to say once Dissidia has been released...but until then, like everyone else has said, we don't have much evidence. Auron appeared physically stronger and the softness was only due to his care for Braska. RyuHayabusa0001 2 years ago #6. ok, i'm with Squall. He's only a legend because of his pilgrimage with Braska, before that he was a monk. Not any old person can take on the job.I think people are missing the point when Auron is reffered to as "legendary." User Info: RyuHayabusa0001. Auron was known as the Legendary Guardian (I think it was Wakka who said that when Auron joined them) and Auron disappeared after Braska's pilgrimage and no one saw him for 10 years. Above the sky, and below your feet.I had a sneaking suspicion this banner was a lapis sink trap for something but Jecht and Auron of all!? Who do you think was stronger? He also appears in Kingdom Hearts II as a temporary companion. So Auron vs Jecht. Rumar (Topic Creator) 1 year ago #5. In order to be trusted as Braska's guardian, he had to be pretty damn good. So at the time of Braska's pilgrimage, Auron was just a loyal guardian to Braska, nothing more.^ Indeed. Some may say it's similar to Tidus', but we could be wrong. Who do you think was stronger? FFBE 394-085-055. Jecht was the one who volunteered himself to become the Fayth for the Final Summoning.Jecht, not unlike Tidus, was introduced to fighting by necessity upon arriving in Spira. Which is why Braska only needed Jecht and Auron and why Tidus almost immediately learning Spiral Cut after holding a sword for the first time. Comment on Auron's LB: His LB is quite similar to that of Loren but Loren although dealing less damage, breaks one additional element (3 vs 2) by 79%. Lolol. So I dunno ...chosen to be come Sin, just for the record. I was expecting them in at least another month but I'm absolutely ready for a meta breaker at last. Mmm while I did read that the prism may not appear when the mixer arrived but man holding onto the trust coin could be hard if one of the rewards is a 5* EX ticket! 2B's LB does the most damage.
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