Once again, Argentina doesn’t have the cash to pay creditors, and is desperate for relief from its total debt burden, also valued at around $100 billion. Furthermore, the protests of December 2001 were not a homogeneous phenomenon, but involved different social sectors, each with different motivations and behaviour, with much of the protest being either fomented or taken advantage of by political groups.In terms of wider social impacts, the crisis had greater effects on the use of health services than of education services. The 2001-2002 Argentine financial crisis culminated in the collapse of the 1991 Convertibility Plan, the freezing of bank deposits, and the biggest foreign debt default in world economic history. “To be able to pay the debt, Argentina needs to grow and to be able to grow, the weight of a suffocating debt needs to be lifted,” Guzmán said. Please include information on the policy responses implemented.We use cookies to remember settings and choices, and to count visitor numbers and usage trends. Argentines chafed under the austerity measures required as part of the agreement, the currency plunged and daily life got worse.Kristalina Georgieva, the IMF’s managing director, said her organization shares the same goals as Argentina’s government.“In this regard, the measures adopted thus far go in the direction of restoring macroeconomic stability and protecting the poor,” Georgieva said after meeting Argentina’s economy minister in Rome last week.Yet many Argentines and foreign investors wonder: is a 2001-style scenario unfolding all over again?Members of political parties and social movements protest the visit of an International Monetary Fund (IMF) delegation, one with a sign that reads in Spanish "Get out of Argentina IMF.
It’s a balance for President Alberto Fernández, who seeks a deal with the IMF that does not alienate his leftist base, as represented by his deputy and former president, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner. All involved are anxious to avoid a replay of 2001, when Argentina defaulted on about $100 billion in debt during the worst economic crisis — and there have been many — in its history. This is a big week for one of Latin America’s biggest economies, which is hosting an IMF team for talks on restructuring $44 billion in debt owed to the lender.
It also appears to have resulted in higher levels of family violence, alcoholism, and crime.The principle policy response to the crisis was the ‘Programa Jefas y Jefes de Hogar Desocupados’ (Programme for Unemployed Heads of Family) which aimed to provide direct income support for families with dependents for whom the head had become unemployed due to the crisis. “Politically, it might be appealing for Fernández to demand concessions not only from private creditors, but also from the IMF,” Gedan wrote in an email to The Associated Press.“After all, the Fund is loathed by Argentines who remember its role in the 2001 economic catastrophe,” he said. The December 2001 crisis, sometimes known as the Argentinazo (pronounced [aɾxentiˈnaso]), was a period of civil unrest and rioting in Argentina, which took place during December 2001, with the most violent incidents taking place on 19 and 20 December in the capital, Buenos Aires, Rosario and other large cities around the country. However, by 2001, due to several macroeconomic reasons the economy had collapsed. But its recent performance has been more uneven. By using this site you indicate agreement with the use of cookies. However, given that these were common in Argentina long before the financial crisis hit, there is some debate as to whether it was the principal cause of contention. Yet the predecessor of the current president, Mauricio Macri, had fallen into disfavor after obtaining a record financing deal with the IMF in 2018. At the time of the 2001 default, the relationship between Argentina and the IMF grew increasingly strained. Much of the research highlights a combination of broader factors, including already high unemployment rates, poverty, lack of labour union support to the unemployed and repressive and clientelist political practices. A new IMF program would reassure bondholders that Fernández has a good plan to balance the budget, lower inflation and pay debts, said Benjamin Gedan, director of the Argentina Project at the Wilson Center in Washington. While just a decade earlier Argentina was… No to the debt payment," in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Wednesday, Feb. 12, 2020. It is now clear that Argentina … “When workers in Argentina hear the term IMF, they know that long periods of darkness lie ahead,” said Damaris Rolón, a protest leader. By May 2002, 40% of the total workforce was either unemployed or underemployed. For details, click "read more" and see "use of cookies". (AP Photo/Gustavo Garello)Connect with the definitive source for global and local news Jason Marshall, MPP Summary of the Crisis The 2001-2002 Argentine Financial Crisis was the culmination of an overreaction to a history of hyperinflation, an unwillingness to address needed structural reforms, and a macro-economic strategy that left Argentina totally exposed to external shocks and swings in global capital flows. (AP Photo/Gustavo Garello)Members of political parties and social movements protest the visit of an International Monetary Fund (IMF) delegation, one with a sign that reads in Spanish "Get out of Argentina IMF.
No to the debt payment," in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Wednesday, Feb. 12, 2020. During her presidency, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner had implemented interventionist policies that were widely blamed for economic problems. He said the IMF should get out of Argentina and that the government shouldn’t pay back its debt. These cookies do not identify you personally. By May 2002, 40% of the total workforce was either unemployed or underemployed.Social unrest during and following the financial crisis principally took the form of social protests.
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