Antonyms for ghastly. 5 ‘her face had a ghastly pallor’ SYNONYMS pale , white, pallid, pasty, pasty-faced, wan, colourless, anaemic, bloodless, washed out, peaky, peakish, ashen, ashen-faced, ashy, chalky, chalk white, grey, whitish, white-faced, whey-faced, waxen, waxy, blanched, drained, pinched, green, sickly, sallow, as white as a sheet, as white as a ghost, deathly pale, cadaverous, corpse-like, ghostlike, spectral

causing fear Ghastly antonyms. See how your sentence looks with different synonyms.

More 60 Ghastly antonyms. Antonyms for ghastly include charming, appealing, attractive, beautiful, blooming, healthy, lovely, pleasing, comforting and delightful. Full list of antonyms for Ghastly is here. Synonyms for ghastly at with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions.

What are opposite words of Ghastly? Pleasing, pleasant, delightful. What are …

Find descriptive alternatives for ghastly. extremely disturbing or repellent Ghastly: extremely disturbing or repellent. Delivered to your inbox! extreme in degree, power, or effect "I am stifling," said the dying man, rolling round his ghastly eyes.Rosa hid herself this time also, but only that she might not see the ghastly spectacle.They formed a ghastly sight when they were pitted in what proved to be the final clash.All Of These Words Are Offensive (But Only Sometimes)“Epidemic” vs. “Pandemic” vs. “Endemic”: What Do These Terms Mean?Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.Join our early testers!

The pain in the marshal's face became a ghastly thing to see.It is a ghastly business, quite beyond words, this schooling.Her face was ghastly, save for the trace of rouge; her eyes were red-rimmed.These blunders culminated in a ghastly mistake on the field.It was such a pitiful, ghastly bluff—for the cards were all against him, and he knew it.She was too terrified to add her weeping to the wail of the wind—it would have been too ghastly.In my opinion they are a ghastly nuisance; also an element of danger. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free!Learn a new word every day. beautiful; comforting; delightful; good; great; nice; pleasant; pleasing; pretty; wonderful 86 synonyms for ghastly: horrible, shocking, terrible, awful, grim, dreadful, horrendous, hideous, from hell, horrid, repulsive, frightful, loathsome, godawful. Antonyms for ghastly: weak, cheering, diminished, tranquilizing, inviting, soothing, comforting, reduced, shallow, relaxing, enticing, great, unoffending, pleasing, inoffensive, light, consoling, beautiful, alleviated

Top antonyms for ghastly (opposite of ghastly) are delightful, beautiful and lovely.

Synonyms: appalling, atrocious, awful… Antonyms: light, moderate, soft… Find the right word.

Antonyms for ghastly.

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