That impulse, to seek annihilation, is within us at a biological level.And so it is that by duplicating the genetics of Lena, the Shimmer not only doubles her physicality, but also her psychology: It is Lena’s urge to destroy her marriage, to enter the Shimmer, to continue on to the lighthouse when others want to turn back, which compels the Shimmer to, in essence, commit suicide. So, the tattoo is just another effect of its refractive properties.The choice of an ouroboros is an interesting one and is actually in sync with the various themes of the film.
It's revealed that she's partially on the mission to escape her past as a drug addict, so when she starts questioning everything she sees, it's personal horror made real. The only person to come back was her husband Kane (Oscar Isaac), but he's not himself.

A year later, he literally appears at her doorstep, out of nowhere. After the bear attack, she is shaken by the bear’s replication of Cass’s voice. Presumably a happily married one, at that.The human impulse to destroy ourselves is central to Our collective urge to destroy our environment is echoed in the Shimmer’s sci-fi effects on a coastline, and in Lena’s inability to do anything but let her marriage rot. So perhaps, this meteor strike is another overdue change in the ecology and environment. In one scene, Lena and Kane talk about life, where she says that ageing is not a normal process. It goes from depicting highly gross scenes to equally magnificent views. Before Josie verbalised it, the idea had been already incepted into our minds from the scene before Kane gets sick. So, how come it is still intact? ‘Annihilation’ is one such film. So, it was the copy that came out of the tower, not the original.© 2020 Cinemaholic Inc. All rights reserved. So, the more pressing question was what happened to them?Let’s break down the fate of all the major characters in the film:KANE: When Kane first steps into Lena’s room, we know that something’s wrong with him. Lena tries to run, but is confounded by how it doesn't seem to be directly attacking her, but mimicking her every move. The key to Annihilation is in the subtle tattoos That is what allows Lena to live. A bruise that, one can assume, becomes the tattoo.The symbol itself, a snake twisted into the infinity symbol eating its own tail, is known as an ourobos, and has had many different meanings over centuries. The fact that Alex Garland chose to write the script without bothering to be completely faithful to the original source material says a lot about his intentions towards the story. In traditional sci-fi/horror parlance, this is the “twist” to reveal the Shimmer is not gone. When the group stumbles upon a video camera with footage of what happened with Kane's expedition, they see the disturbing flaying of another soldier. No tattoo here, but there's something else. Director Alex Garland returns to high-concept sci-fi with his latest film, Annihilation. Also, she was the only person in the team to reach the epicentre of the Shimmer and come out of it alive. It is evident that the Shimmer is messing with everyone’s head, and well, all other parts too. With its centre at the lighthouse, it is radiating energy all around it. So, the ecosystem and the biology going haywire IS an alien event. When I first saw the trailer, its stunning visuals, a deep reverberating tone and the all-female cast with Natalie Portman at the helm made me excited about it. So, she accepts her fate that is inevitable, one way or another. Like many other sci-fi properties — including the recent Netflix series The symbol appears on a number of characters.
Be it the set of different flowers coming out of the same stem, an alligator with the jaw set of a shark, a weird couple of deer with tree stems as their antlers, or the bear that cries like a human it just ate! Fueled by Lena’s violence and anger after she flees the lighthouse, her double does in actuality what Lena already did in spirit; she burns her home down. And then, her eyes shimmer when they hug.Lena’s fate is the only thing that isn’t fully explained in the film. And what a trick it was!The thing with ‘Annihilation’ is that it is too many things, all at once. Her soldier husband, Kane (Oscar Issac), went on a mission and didn’t come back. The symbol usually represents the cyclical nature of life, or the theory of the "eternal … Suddenly, he becomes really sick, and while he is being escorted to the hospital, the ambulance is intercepted by some soldiers and Lena and Kane are taken away. Instead of turning it into a franchise (that it could’ve easily been), he decided to condense the material, gave it his perspective, his touch and created a standalone movie that is worth his name.Ventress tells Lena that the Shimmer appeared three years back, around the lighthouse, and since then, it has been expanding its territory. So, before you start debating on ‘the book is better than the movie’ issue, you should know that they are both very different from each other. That ending to Alex Garland’s It is a perversely profound film and one that demands to be unpacked in many a conversation after it’s over. The biggest philosophy that a viewer can take with themselves is Change. Either that or the bubble is about to start growing again.So do you agree with our explanation? So, where did it come from? Disagree?

Despite both having been career military, Kane and Lena are quite different, with Lena perhaps mirroring her skeptical scientific peers more than Kane’s good ol’ boy, proper Southern Christian gent. It can come in the form of an urge to drink, smoke, overeat, or even wreck a perfectly happy career or marriage. Hands down, that is one of the most unnerving and terrifying scenes that I have ever seen.JOSIE: What happened to Josie was perhaps the only subtle thing that happened to any character in the film. It's quite large, taking up most of the left forearm, and is quite distinct. Well, remember when I mentioned that something took the place of her and Kane when they reappeared in the outside world?

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