Try again now or later.An error had occurred whilst trying to add or remove this school or college to comparison. Clive joined in April 2015 with the focus on bringing together procurement across the trust and leveraging efficiencies in their procurement spend. Clive is Head of Procurement for Academies Enterprise Trust (AET) which has 58 academy schools throughout England. In 2013 the press reported that the number of staff paid six-figure salaries in AET had risen almost fivefold in a two-year period.In recognition of the challenging financial environment, the CEO, Julian Drinkall, waived a salary increase for 2018 and 2019.AET is essentially a group of schools. Try again now or later.An error had occurred whilst trying to add or remove this school or college to comparison.
Open help text for Progress 8 score for Greenwood Academy (2019))Staying in education or entering employment (2017 leavers)
Open help text for Progress 8 score for Wishmore Cross Academy (2019))Staying in education or entering employment (2017 leavers) Staying in education or entering employment (2017 leavers) Staying in education or entering employment (2017 leavers) Staying in education or entering employment (2017 leavers)
Open help text for Progress 8 score for Clacton Coastal Academy (2019))Staying in education or entering employment (2017 leavers) Try again now or later.An error had occurred whilst trying to add or remove this school or college to comparison.
This tells you the percentage of pupils who achieved grade 5 or above in the Schools get a score based on how well pupils have performed in up to 8 qualifications, which include English, maths, 3 The EBacc APS calculates a pupil's average point scores across the 5 pillars of the English Baccalaureate, allocating points to a pupil's best grades and dividing by 6 (the science grades count in 2 pillars, meaning a total of 6 pillars) to create an average point score per pupil. 1.17 Average Information such as headteacher's name, school website, address, location on the map, gender, age-range and school type also typically take 1 to 2 months to be updated here after first being updated, by the school, in This form is for reporting problems with the Find and Compare Schools In England section of the GOV.UK website.Donât include any personal or financial information, for example your National Insurance number or credit card details.To make a complaint about a school, or a general complaint or enquiry, Please explain, step by step, what you did.
4.07 This figure covers any sustained education or employment destination. Open help text for Progress 8 score for Ryde Academy (2019))Staying in education or entering employment (2017 leavers)
Try again now or later.An error had occurred whilst trying to add or remove this school or college to comparison. -0.01 Formally established in 2008 by the Greensward Charitable Trust (established in 1996 to support Greensward School). Well below average Well below average For example, the 2019 table shows pupils who finished year 11 in 2017, which is the most recent data currently available. This will normally apply to 1 or 2 pupils per school, if any. Try again now or later.An error had occurred whilst trying to add or remove this school or college to comparison. Try again now or later.An error had occurred whilst trying to add or remove this school or college to comparison.
The removal of the FNTI also meant that AET was able to engage in discussions about new academies joining the trust where it made sense to do so.In terms of the difficulties AET has in managing its finances, it has identified Financial concerns have been raised in the media about the fact that AET paid almost £500,000 to private businesses owned by its trustees and executives.AET salaries have also been a matter of controversy. AET Invests £2m in devices to ensure all FSM children access digital learning.
-0.03 Academies Enterprise Trust (AET) See more information about this trust: Academies … 46.7 Try again now or later.An error had occurred whilst trying to add or remove this school or college to comparison. 0.1
Below average Historically, OFSTED had criticised standards across AET in reports in both 2014 and 2015, as well as criticising standards in a number of individual schools. It is not appropriate to expect the same rates of EBacc entry from these types of schools and colleges. Formally established in 2008 by the Greensward Charitable TrustBetween 2011 and 2012 AET more than doubled in size, leading to criticism that the Academy chain was growing too fast and was therefore unable to ensure appropriate standards in its schools.The first Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of AET was David Triggs, who was in post from 2008 until September 2013. Below average Open help text for Progress 8 score for Unity City Academy (2019))Staying in education or entering employment (2017 leavers) England - all schools
Is there anything wrong with this page? Try again now or later.An error had occurred whilst trying to add or remove this school or college to comparison.
It typically takes 1 to 2 months, and can take longer in some circumstances, for Ofsted data to be made available and updated here following an inspection.
Try again now or later.An error had occurred whilst trying to add or remove this school or college to comparison. Average
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